rxryj's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Mitta Mitta, Australia

The Witches Garden

The largest collection of medicinal plants in Australia is also home to a witch who will show you how to use them.
Woombye, Australia

The Big Pineapple

A giant Australian fruit and tropical farm.
Ularring, Australia

Inside Australia

A series of eerie metal stick figures are spread out over four square miles on the bed of a huge salt lake in the Australian Outback.
Marysville, Australia

Bruno’s Art and Sculpture Garden

A forest full of mystical fantasy figures, nearly destroyed by recent fires.
Mount Surprise, Australia

Undara Lava Tubes

White cockroaches and other cave species occupy this massive series of lava tubes.
Lord Howe Island, Australia

Lord Howe Island's Time

In a strange timezone anomaly, Daylight Saving Time here sets the clocks forward just 30 minutes.
Callanna, Australia

Marree Man

Not a single witness can attest to the creation of the world's largest geoglyph.
Bowen, Australia

The Big Mango

One of Australia's famed "Big Things," this giant fruit was once stolen as part of a publicity stunt.
Robertson, Australia

Big Potato

Concrete spud looks like the North American Sebago.
West Ballina, Australia

The Big Prawn

There's nothing shrimpy about the world's largest artificial prawn.
Duranbah, Australia

Big Avocado

Giant fruit signaling the entrance to a tropical paradise.
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Big Banana

One of the first big sculptures anywhere in Australia.
Ghan, Australia

Henbury Meteorites Conservation Park

Curious crater remnants in the middle of the Australian outback.
Melbourne, Australia

Fairies Tree

A whimsical menagerie of creatures carved into a 300-year-old tree trunk.
Melbourne, Australia

AC/DC Lane

A colorful street named for the legendary Australian rock band.
Diwan, Australia

Daintree Entomological Museum

Australia's largest collection of rare and bizarre insects.
Kingston SE, Australia

Larry The Red Big Lobster

A massive metal lobster welcomes tourists to a roadside restaurant.
Opalton, Australia

Lark Quarry Dinosaur Trackways

These tracks are believed to be from a panicked dinosaur stampede.
Reids Flat, Australia

Empire of Atlantium

The smallest country in Australia is a principled little thing with a friendly emperor.
Adelaide, Australia

Grave of the Tamam Shud Man

Dedicated to an "Unknown Man," this grave holds either the remains of a lovelorn suicide or a Cold War spy.
Two Rocks, Australia

Atlantis Marine Park

An abandoned marine theme park has created a difficult experiment in dolphin rewilding.
Brisbane, Australia

The Pitch Drop Experiment

Started nearly 100 years ago, this science experiment just keeps on going, ever so slowly.
Davenport, Australia

Wycliffe Well

The UFO capital of Australia is the outback’s answer to Roswell.
Mount Gambier, Australia

Umpherston Sinkhole

An incredible garden taking over the interior of a massive sinkhole.