Sanne Lillianne's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Ypres, Belgium
Places visited in Gibraltar
Places visited in Vaals, Netherlands
Places visited in Kew, Australia
Places visited in Hobart, Australia
Places visited in Chartres, France
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London, England

Platform 9 3/4

Kings Cross Station pays tribute to its role in Britain's best-selling book series.

Union Jack Steps

Red, white, and blue painted steps along with a Union Jack celebrate the outcome of Gibraltar's 1967 referendum.

Operation Tracer Cave

There was a top secret plan during World War II to seal a group of soldiers inside the rock.

Gibraltar Airport

Single runway interrupted by a busy road that cuts across its middle.
Andorra la Vella, Andorra

The Internal Garden of Plaça Casadet

This hidden courtyard in the Andorran capital hosts a unique contemporary sculpture park.
Llívia, Spain

Esteve Pharmacy

This 15th century pharmacy displays a beautiful collection of ancient medicine jars.
Berlin, Germany

Berlin Botanical Garden

Started as a kitchen garden, now the second largest botanical garden in the world.
Berlin, Germany

Museum of Unheard of Things

A wunderkammer of mysterious objects and stories.
Berlin, Germany

Haus Schwarzenberg Street Art Alley

A narrow passage next to a cafe leads to a courtyard exploding with murals, tags, and paste-ups.
Berlin, Germany

Stolpersteine Holocaust Memorials

Tiny memorials honor individual victims of the Holocaust.
Berlin, Germany

Vestiges of the Berlin Wall

On the Spree bank, discover one of the last reminders of a symbolic wall that divided, and was torn down by the people.
Dusseldorf, Germany


This futuristic German television spire is actually the world's largest digital clock.
Duisburg, Germany

Tiger & Turtle Magic Mountain

No need to strap in for a "ride" on this walkable roller coaster.
Hinte, Germany

Suurhusen Church

The Suurhusen church tower in Germany leans over farther than the famous Leaning Tower of Pisa.
Bremen, Germany

Bunker Valentin Memorial

Constructed by forced laborers, this submarine pen is now a museum and war memorial.
Sögel, Germany

Sögel Tank Cemetery

There are two dozen tanks just sitting in an open field in Lower Saxony.
Wierschem, Germany

Eltz Castle - Burg Eltz

This medieval castle overlooking the Elzbach river looks just like it did hundreds of years ago.
Hemer, Germany

Hemer Felsenmeer

Wooden pathways run through this rocky landscape, which legend says was created when a dwarven king pulled down his own castle to stop raiding giants.
Horn-Bad Meinberg, Germany


Between Neo-Pagans and Neo-Nazis, these strange rock formations have a curious cult following and a very strange history.
Dusseldorf, Germany

Düsseldorf-Reisholz Rhine Powerline Crossing

An electrical pylon under whose legs a normal gauge train can run.
Jülich, Germany

Hexenturm Jülich

A medieval gate once used as a prison and how home to a city museum.
Elsdorf, Germany

Hambach Surface Mine

This mine is home to the largest man-made hole in Europe.
Ballum, Netherlands

Dixie Flyer Crash

Found in the waddenzee, this propeller has been put on public display as a reminder of the Second World War.
Zwiggelte, Netherlands

Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope

A radio telescope for listening to the stars, based in one of the cloudiest countries in the world.