sara2105's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Carezza Rainbow Lake

According to the local folklore, the myriad colors of this lake are the result of a lovelorn wizard's blunder.
Perca, Italy

Earth Pyramids of Platten

These delicate sand pyramids look like naturally occurring gothic spires.
Alleghe, Italy

Lago di Alleghe

A devastating landslide accidentally created this tourist hotspot.
Vicenza, Italy

The Turtles of Vicenza at Parco Querini

Turtles swim in a pond surrounding a classical temple in this lush park in Vicenza.
Calascio, Italy

Rocca Calascio

What looks like a link in Gondor's early warning system is actually a centuries-old Italian fortress.
Castellana Grotte, Italy

Castellana Caves

The sunlight passing through the opening of this huge cave system creates a magical effect.
Matera, Italy

Sassi di Matera

People have been living in the cave houses on this Italian hillside since the Neolithic era.
Matera, Italy

Chiesa del Purgatorio

Skulls and skeletons are omnipresent in this church dedicated to souls trapped in purgatory.
Gravina in Puglia, Italy

Ponte Acquedotto

An impressive bridge over a ravine also served as an aqueduct.
Catania, Italy

Elephant Fountain

A mysterious ancient elephant said to possess magic powers is now the symbol of a Sicilian city.
Tropea, Italy

Santa Maria dell’Isola Monastery

A fairytale-like medieval church perched atop a rocky cliff on Italy's "Coast of the Gods."
Pizzo, Italy

Chiesetta di Piedigrotta (Church of Piedigrotta)

This church carved into the rocks is full of enchanting stone statues.
Santa Caterina, Italy

Cristo Redentore (Christ the Redeemer)

The tallest statue in Italy is also one of the world's tallest statues of Jesus.