sbloomord's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Milford Sound, New Zealand

Milford Sound

Dolphins, ancient clams and hundreds of waterfalls make this one of the world's top tourist destinations.
Los Alamos, New Mexico

Bandelier National Monument

A small metropolis of Pueblo cave dwellings have been carved right into the hillside of this national monument.
Ngong Ping, Hong Kong

Tian Tan Buddha

Climb to the top of the world's largest seated bronze Buddha.
New Orleans, Louisiana

New Orleans Pharmacy Museum

The curiosities and wonders of pharmacy in a delightful historic building.
Palo Alto, California

Gates of Hell Sculpture

Rodin's famous depiction of Dante's 'Inferno', amidst a sculpture garden of many of his other works.
Shiprock, New Mexico


Legends surround this jagged rock formation in the New Mexico desert.
Moscow, Russia

Lenin's Mausoleum

This building holds the embalmed remains of the leader of the Bolshevik Revolution.
Corning, New York

Corning Museum of Glass

Dedicated to the art and science of glass in equal measure, this space is as much laboratory as museum.
Fort Bragg, California

Glass Beach

A trash dump made beautiful by nature's power.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

The Bronze Fonz

Statue dedicated to the star of an old television show.
Government Camp, Oregon

Mount Hood

Despite a legend that says this highest peak in Oregon was climbed in high heels scores of people have died on its slopes.
Chicago, Illinois

The Empty Bottle

A beloved Chicago music venue offering cold beer and lots of “Friendly."
St. Augustine, Florida

Fort Matanzas National Monument

An 18th-century Spanish watchtower made entirely of seashell and concrete.
Washington, D.C.

National Capitol Columns

The United States Capitol's former columns still stand.
Ashford, Washington

Mount Rainier

The highest point in Washington state is a volcano covered in glaciers.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Metairie Cemetery

New Orleans' famous cemetery, located on the site of a former race track.
Glasgow, Scotland

The Glasgow Necropolis

"Respectful to the dead, safe and sanitary to the living, dedicated to the Genius of Memory..."
Auckland, New Zealand

Sky Tower

A New Zealand communications tower stands as the tallest structure in the Southern Hemisphere.
Los Angeles, California

Galco's Soda Pop Stop

Shop selling 500 flavors of soda has something for everyone.
Berlin, Germany

Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe

Thousands of coffin-like pillars make up this controversial Holocaust memorial.
Drumheller, Alberta

The Hoodoos of Drumheller Valley

Hoodoos, naturally eroded land formations, stand 20 feet tall in the Canadian badlands.
Page, Arizona

Horseshoe Bend

Dramatic river bend surrounds a natural red-rocked pedestal.
Los Angeles, California


Established in the '60s, a family-owned tropical drink bar founded by Ray Buhen, bartender to the stars.
Salt Lake City, Utah

Salt Lake City Public Library

Visitors to this library are in for a real-world education in modernist architecture.