shodoshan's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Kilmartin, Scotland
Places visited in Torrance, California
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Scottish Borders, Scotland

Scott's View

This picturesque view of the Scottish Borders was beloved by Sir Walter Scott.
East Lothian, Scotland

Yester Castle

Ruined castle with subterranean vaulted Goblin Ha' or "Goblin Hall."
Falkirk, Scotland

Torwood Blue Pool

The mystery of this small, brick pond eluded its possibly only investigator until his death.
Glasgow, Scotland

Glasgow City Center Mural Trail

A scattered trail of street art adds a pop of color to the city's stark structures.
Orkney, Scotland

Old Man of Hoy

A red sandstone freestanding monolith rises out of the sea in northern Scotland.
Aberdeenshire, Scotland

Burn O'Vat

A glacial pothole was once a hideout for a notorious Scottish outlaw.
Dunning, Scotland

Maggie Wall's Memorial

A mysterious monument where a woman who records say never existed was burnt alive for being a witch.
Argyll and Bute, Scotland

Puck's Glen

This ethereal, rainforest-like gorge is home to waterfalls, quaint bridges, and fairy folk.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Beltane Fire Festival

Summer in Scotland begins with a spectacularly wild and colorful event rooted in ancient pagan traditions.
Largs, Scotland

Kelburn Castle

This stately estate house features a tower covered in a bright, modern mural.
Dunino, Scotland

Dunino Den

A site of pagan worship which still attracts people looking for fairies.
Argyll and Bute, Scotland

Iona Abbey

A small island abbey is the final resting place of many medieval Scottish monarchs, including the real Macbeth.
Milton, Scotland

Overtoun Bridge

This Scottish bridge seems to compel dogs to leap to their death.
Roslin, Scotland

Rosslyn Chapel

A church that bred legends, and served as an inspiration for the Da Vinci Code.
Stonehaven, Scotland

Dunnottar Castle

The ruins of this gorgeous clifftop castle look like something from a fantasy novel.
Edinburgh, Scotland

The Royal Botanic Gardens of Edinburgh

One of the oldest scientific gardens in Britain, containing more than 13,302 plant species in its core collection.
Sandwick, Scotland

Skara Brae

Amazing and mysterious Neolithic settlement on Scotland's Orkney Islands.
Reno, Nevada

Airmail Arrow

A concrete arrow from a 1920s network of airmail beacons is still preserved at the western edge of suburban Reno.
Los Angeles, California

Soap Plant / Wacko

An expansive book store, art gallery, and curio shop with wares ranging from tarot cards to novelty socks.
Nairn, Scotland

Rait Castle

In the Scottish Highlands, this 13th-century castle ruin is hidden at the end of a farm track.
Heilam, Scotland

Ard Neackie Lime Kilns

The ruins of a defunct limestone quarry still haunt this Scottish promontory.
Glasgow, Scotland

Jamie Wright's Well

A watering hole from the late 1800s in the heart of the Campsie Fells.
Glasgow, Scotland

The Glasgow Necropolis

"Respectful to the dead, safe and sanitary to the living, dedicated to the Genius of Memory..."
Glasgow, Scotland

Glasgow Cathedral's Hebrew Inscriptions

In the depths of Glasgow Cathedral's crypt, one pillar stands out from all others.