siewch's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Federal Way, Washington
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Places edited in Abang, Indonesia
Places visited in Nice, France
Places edited in Federal Way, Washington
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Paris, France

Lines of Cremains at Père Lachaise Cemetery

Stripes of human ashes cover a back lawn in the most sought-after burial grounds in Paris.
Paris, France

Étienne-Gaspard Robertson's Tomb

A phantasmagoric tomb honors a Belgian artist-scientist's contributions to the world of spooky entertainment.
Paris, France

The Recumbent Effigy of Victor Noir

How did a French journalist’s grave become the sexiest statue in the cemetery?
Paris, France

Père Lachaise Cemetery

France's most famous cemetery, with some of its most curious tombs.
Paris, France

59 Rivoli

Notorious artist squat renovated into legal studios.
Paris, France

The Stravinsky Fountain

A series of abstract, silly sculptures represent the works of a great modern classical composer.
Paris, France

Centre Pompidou

An "inside out" building in the historical center of Paris, featuring Europe’s largest modern art museum.
Puteaux, France

'Le Pouce,' The Giant Thumb Sculpture

César Baldaccini's iconic sculpture of a 40-foot thumb stands tall in La Défense.
Paris, France

Cannonball of the Hotel de Sens

A lone cannonball remains lodged in the walls of the Hotel de Sens as a sober reminder of a revolution.
Paris, France

Musee de la Magie

A museum of magic with a Sadist past.
Paris, France

'French Republic or Death' Graffiti

For more than a century, revolutionary graffiti has marked the wall of a Parisian church.
Nice, France

La Tete Carrée Library

This massive blockhead sculpture hides an entire library.
Nice, France

Fontaine du Soleil (The Sun Fountain)

This saucy statue once caused outrage among locals.
Nice, France

L'Ange de la Baie

A memorial to honor those who were killed in a Bastille Day terror attack in Nice.
Nice, France

St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Cathedral

An Orthodox church built by the Royal Family for the Russian community exiled to the French Riviera.
Monaco, Monaco

Oceanographic Museum

Museum celebrating the ocean, with the largest wunderkammer dedicated to sea exploration.
Monaco, Monaco

Juan Manuel Fangio Statue

This statue of the great Argentinian car driver is located near a famous curve of the Monaco Grand Prix.

Soy Sauce Bottles of Sultan Mosque

A ring of soy sauce bottle bases decorate an important Singaporean landmark.
New York, New York

Chinatown's Bloody Angle

Avoid gangster interaction while window-shopping.
New York, New York

Gay Liberation

The first piece of public art dedicated to LGBT rights.

Mother and Child

A public statue crafted by Singapore's pioneering sculptor, Ng Eng Teng.
Vatican City

Vatican City Walls

Historic fortifications form the boundary of Vatican City, but it’s not entirely surrounded by walls.
Manchester, England


Over 70 independent businesses have set up shop in this former Victorian department store.
Bangkok, Thailand

Hai Som Tam Convent

Isaan street food staples are in spectacular form at this no-frills institution.