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Places visited in Katy, Texas
Places edited in Katy, Texas
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San Antonio, Texas

World's Largest Cowboy Boots

These boots are made for selfies.
Glen Rose, Texas

Dinosaur Valley State Park

Tracks near this Texas nature site were once thought to support the Creationist belief that man and dino coexisted.
Houston, Texas

Houston Airport Subway

The only airport with a people mover system designed by Walt Disney Imagineering.
Ciudad Juárez, Mexico

La Equis (The X)

A giant "X" symbolizes the blood spilled from the brutal Juárez drug wars.
San Antonio, Texas

Largest Virgin Mary Mosaic in the World

The 40-foot-tall votive candle is the largest of its kind.
San Antonio, Texas

St. Thérèse of Lisieux Painting

A priceless work of art created by the saint's own blood sister hangs in a San Antonio basilica.
Palmer, Texas

The Church at Texas

This unusual roadside attraction filled with handcrafted signage is home to a unique church.
Madrid, New Mexico

Mine Shaft Tavern

Home to New Mexico's longest bar, this watering hole also has a mining museum and a haunted history.
Madrid, New Mexico

Connie's Photo Park

A little slice of Florida face-in-a-hole kitsch, unexpectedly located in a small New Mexico town.
Los Cerrillos, New Mexico

Origami in the Garden

Giant origami sculptures tucked into desert scenery beckon passers-by to explore further.
Santa Fe, New Mexico

Spitz Clock

This giant pocket watch is the third iteration of a local landmark that has been standing just off the Santa Fe Plaza for over 100 years.
Santa Fe, New Mexico

Palace of the Governors

The oldest continuously occupied public building in the United States.
Santa Fe, New Mexico

La Conquistadora, Our Lady of Conquering Love

A small side chapel in Santa Fe's basilica is home to the oldest statute of the Virgin Mary in North America.
Santa Fe, New Mexico

109 East Palace

This innocuous New Mexico storefront was once the secret jump-off spot for Manhattan Project scientists.
Santa Fe, New Mexico

Loretto Chapel

Wedding chapel's mysterious spiral staircase said to be miraculously constructed.
Bastrop, Texas

The Gas Station

The pit stop from "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" now serves beef and pork barbecue, not people.
San Antonio, Texas

San Fernando Cathedral City Centers

Conflicting markers on its floor tell a tale of two city centers in San Antonio.
Lancaster, California

Antelope Valley Poppy Reserve

Each year these high desert hills are absolutely covered with poppy flowers in a surreal show of nature.
Agua Dulce, California

Vasquez Rocks

Named after a bandit and the star of several Hollywood prehistoric landscapes, these sandstone formations are a historical part of the Los Angeles natural landscape.
Lancaster, California

Civic Musical Road

Finale of "William Tell Overture" can be heard as drivers pass over grooves in the road.
Lake Los Angeles, California

Lake Los Angeles

A dry lake is what remains of a community founded on a real estate scam.
Palmdale, California

Blackbird Airpark

See four top-secret US spy aircraft of the Cold War era, including the legendary SR-71 Blackbird and the A-12 Oxcart.
Renton, Washington

Jimi Hendrix Memorial

The final resting place of one of the most sensational guitar players of all time was created only after his father got the rights to his music.
Seattle, Washington

Hat 'n' Boots

Seattle's super-sized cowboy apparel once belonged to a themed gas station that wrangled in herds of tourists.