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Places visited in North Adams, Massachusetts
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New Orleans, Louisiana

Antoine’s Restaurant

The oldest family-run restaurant in the United States is a living museum of New Orleans dining history.
Concord, Massachusetts

Concord’s Colonial Inn

This historic hotel was once home to Henry David Thoreau and rumored to be haunted by ghosts of fallen soldiers from the American Revolution.
Burlington, Vermont

Lake Champlain Monster Monument

Cryptid lake monster honored with its own monument.
Boston, Massachusetts

Metropolitan Waterworks Museum

Beautiful steampunk ghosts of early Massachusetts.
Portland, Maine

International Cryptozoology Museum

The world's only international cryptozoology museum is host to an unrivaled collection of mysterious objects.
London, England

Modern Martyrs

The niches over the western entrance of Westminster Abbey honor individuals from the 20th century who gave their lives for their Christian beliefs.
Doylestown, Pennsylvania

Moravian Pottery & Tile Works Museum

A pride of the state, this working museum crafts pottery mosaics in the style of Pennsylvania's earliest European settlers.
Doylestown, Pennsylvania

Mercer Museum and Fonthill Castle

Eccentric concrete mansion and museum designed and built by hand from the inside out.
Salem, Massachusetts

The Witch House of Salem

The only structure left with direct ties to the Salem witchcraft trials of 1692.
Salem, Massachusetts

Count Orlok’s Nightmare Gallery

A collection of full-size movie monsters opened to the public.
León, Nicaragua

Museum of Traditions and Legends

Housed in a 20th-century prison, this small museum recounts local Nicaraguan myths.
Boston, Massachusetts

Statue of Mary Dyer

Dedicated to a colonial woman who was hanged for being a Quaker.
Austin, Texas

Barton Springs

Home to an endangered salamander, a full moon celebration, and a large spring-fed outdoor swimming pool.
Boston, Massachusetts

Make Way for Ducklings Statue

Mrs. Mallard and her brood are a beloved fixture in Boston Public Garden.
Boston, Massachusetts

The Earl of Sandwich

A men’s restroom became a sandwich shop.
Boston, Massachusetts

'The Embrace'

This bronze sculpture was inspired by a photograph of Martin Luther King Jr. and his wife embracing after he won the Nobel Peace Prize.
Aristes, Pennsylvania


A toxic ghost town sitting atop a massive coal fire.
Boston, Massachusetts

Franklin Park's Overlook Shelter Ruins

The often-overlooked ruins of one of the first buildings designed by famous landscape architect Frederick Olmsted.
Boston, Massachusetts

Forest Hills Cemetery

A beautiful Victorian-era cemetery, complete with a miniature village.
Boston, Massachusetts

Harvard Bridge Smoot Measurements

In 1958, an MIT fraternity pledge laid down on this bridge and instituted a new, unique unit of measurement.
Boston, Massachusetts

Old Franklin Park Zoo Bear Pens

The bears may be gone, but their old cages can still be found.
Boston, Massachusetts

The Footlight Club

America’s oldest community theater, this Boston club has been in operation since 1877.
Boston, Massachusetts

Jamaica Pond Bench

From bench to vandalism to art, this silly prank seat was funny enough to become permanent.
Boston, Massachusetts

Lucy Parsons Center

Radical Bookstore and Community Space.