sorchah's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Öskjuvatn and Viti Lakes

Two volcanic lakes in an enormous crater formed in a prehistoric eruption.


A formerly glacier-tipped volcano that inspired none other than Jules Verne.

Haukadalur Geothermal Field

This valley of hot springs and boiling mud pots is home to the record-holding "Geysir," which originated the English word.
Reykholt, Iceland


This hobbit-y little hot spring may be the oldest spring used by humans in all of Iceland.
Thingvellir, Iceland


This natural Icelandic fissure allows divers to swim right between two volatile tectonic plates.

Thrihnukagigur Volcano

Climb right into the heart of this colorful Iceland volcano.


One of the most remarkable caves in all of Iceland was created by a once raging river of lava.
Hveragerði, Iceland


Iceland's "Smoky Valley" is a beautiful river that is shrouded in a constant cover of steam clouds.

Bridge Between Continents

Walk in the footsteps of the gods and straddle two tectonic plates.

Kerið Crater Lake

This eye-popping Icelandic crater lake is surrounded by red volcanic rock.


This volcanic cave lake is essentially hard proof that Iceland is the most magical place on Earth.
Stockholm, Sweden


A hidden bathhouse in one of Stockholm's oldest and busiest neighborhoods is open to anyone who can find it.
Barcelona, Spain

Tió de Nadal

Catalonia Tradition: Beating the hollow Christmas log until it defecates in your fireplace.
Barcelona, Spain

Casa Batlló

One of Antoni Gaudí's most classic buildings is well-known for its "dragon-back" design.
Rott am Inn, Germany

Skeletons of Rott am Inn

These jeweled relics have a scandalous and contested past.
Fürstenfeldbruck, Germany

Jeweled Skeletons of the Fürstenfeld Abbey

These blingy, baubled skeletons lie in glass boxes inside a baroque Bavarian church.
Munich, Germany

Jeweled Skeleton of Saint Munditia

The patron saint of spinsters grasps a container of dried blood.
Dingolfing, Germany

Dingolfing Ossuary

In a small churchyard in Dingolfing, Germany the quaint Schusterkapelle is there to remind you of your imminent mortality.
Eichenau, Germany

Pfefferminzmuseum (Peppermint Museum)

This small town in Germany was once a center of peppermint production, and has the museum to prove it.
Landsberg am Lech, Germany

Leper's Chapel and Ossuary

A graveyard and memorial chapel for victims of leprosy.
Berlin, Germany

Friedrichsfelde Socialist Cemetery

The final resting place of many of Germany's most famous communists.
Flintsbach am Inn, Germany

Flintsbach Historical Cemetery

A rare example of a German cemetery with traditional grave markers dating back several generations.
Barcelona, Spain

Montjuïc Cemetery

This cemetery features modernist statues as strange as its name.
Barcelona, Spain

Calder Mercury Fountain

A beautiful but toxic fountain of mercury.