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Paris, France

Jardin d'Acclimatation

In this Parisian garden's grotesque former life as a zoo it fed exotic animals to the bourgeois and put humans on exhibit.
Paris, France

Chez Christiane

BDSM, 1930s Style.
Paris, France

Pep's Maison

One of the last umbrella repair shops in Paris upholds the nostalgic art of umbrella making.
Paris, France

Cours des Miracles (Court of Miracles)

Beggars were miraculously "cured" of their fake ailments when they returned home to this 17th century Paris slum each night.
Paris, France

The Relic Crypt of St. Helena at Église Saint-Leu-Saint-Gilles

This little-known relic crypt holds stolen parts of a Roman Empress.
Paris, France

Labrouste Reading Room

This off-limits room in the National Library of France is home to a system of pneumatic tubes, once used to bring books to readers.
Paris, France

Musée de la Chasse et de la Nature (Museum of Hunting and Nature)

Dedicated to the art of hunting, with juxtapositions of contemporary art.
Paris, France

Napoleon's Angels

Twelve grave-faced marble angels guard the emperor's tomb at Les Invalides.
Paris, France

Chapelle Notre Dame de la Medaille Miraculeuse

A popular shrine where the Blessed Virgin allegedly appeared in 1830, displaying a holy armchair and two incorruptible remains of Lady Saints.
Paris, France

Grande Galerie de l'Évolution

Natural history museum celebrating biodiversity with a parade of taxidermy animals.
Paris, France

The Etched Mirror Salons of Laperouse Restaurant

Where the high court feasted, frolicked, and high courtesans put their royal lovers' diamonds to the test.
Paris, France

Cabinet of Joseph Bonnier de La Mosson

Hidden away in a modern library are the remains of one of the 18th century's most celebrated wunderkammers.
Paris, France

Water Tank Beneath Palais Garnier

The subterranean "lake" below the Paris opera house inspired the Phantom of the Opera's lair.
Paris, France

Le Musee des Moulages

A unrivaled and rather horrifying collection of wax dermatological models.
Paris, France

WWII Bunker Under Gare de l'Est

A subterranean shelter remains intact under a busy Paris railway station.
Paris, France

Parc Monceau

The ruins of a Duke's bucolic dream, where camels once roamed alongside "Dutch" windmills and faux-Italian vineyards.
Paris, France

Danse de la Fontaine Emergente

This Parisian fountain is a little bit fantasy and a little bit nightclub.
Paris, France

Lion of The Botanical Gardens

A majestic lion statue guards this Parisian botanical garden, and feeds on an unsettling item.
Paris, France

La REcyclerie

This Parisian café sticks almost exclusively to an ethos of reuse.
Paris, France

Carousel of Extinct and Endangered Animals

Known as the "Dodo Manège," this carousel features a herd of animals that have disappeared—or may be gone soon.
Paris, France

Le Louxor Palais du Cinema

Egyptian Revival movie palace abandoned for decades and restored in 2013.
Paris, France

Au Bonheur du Jour

Behind the pink curtain, Au Bonheur du Jour, an art gallery of erotic archives.
Paris, France

Musée des Arts et Métiers

France's national museum of scientific and industrial instruments.
Paris, France

Rue Crémieux

This charming cobbled backstreet is the most Instagramable street in Paris, much to the residents' annoyance.