SoulSpot's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Charlotte, North Carolina

David Černý's Metalmorphosis

A psychological self-portrait in the form of a giant, segmented head.
Prospect Hill, North Carolina

Shangri-La Stone Village

A retired tobacco farmer's pet project turned into a sturdy miniature city.
Sylva, North Carolina

American Museum of the House Cat

This vast kitty-themed collection illustrates the history of human-cat interaction.
Corolla, North Carolina

Corolla Wild Horses

One of the best places to see feral Colonial Spanish Mustangs in the United States.
Hot Springs, North Carolina

Paint Rock

North Carolina's finest examples of Native American pictographs have survived for 5,000 years.
Sylva, North Carolina

The Fugitive Train Wreck

The remains of the iconic train crash from the movie The Fugitive can still be found rusting along the Great Smoky Railroad.
Bryson City, North Carolina

Clingmans Dome

The highest point in Tennessee, Clingmans Dome bears witness to the ravages of one type of insect.
Cullowhee, North Carolina

Judaculla Rock

Mysterious ancient boulder carved with petroglyphs in the mountains of Western North Carolina.
San Francisco, California

Faery Door

San Franciscans leave gifts and messages for the magical beings that live behind the tiny, mysterious door installed on a tree in Golden Gate Park.
Austin, Texas

Brain Collection at the University of Texas at Austin

A collection of 100 brains preserved in jars on the UT campus.
Austin, Texas

HOPE Outdoor Gallery

This failed condo development was reborn as a street art hub.
Austin, Texas

Air Conditioned Village

This unassuming North Austin neighborhood was built to test the novel idea of home air conditioning.
Austin, Texas

Stone Windmill

This stone windmill marks an old, mysterious homestead in what is now central Austin.
Austin, Texas

Barkin' Springs

A free, canine-friendly alternative watering hole near the more famous Barton Springs.
Austin, Texas

Treaty Oak

This massive oak tree has ties to the first native tribes of the region and the founders of Texas.
Austin, Texas

Frost Bank Tower

Locals dubbed it the "Owl Building" because of its bird-like appearance.
Austin, Texas

Larry Monroe Forever Bridge

To honor a beloved Austin radio DJ a neighborhood bridge has been covered in a loving mosaic.
Austin, Texas

Austin State School Farm Colony

Now abandoned, this East Austin school for the disabled began as the "State Colony for the Feeble-minded."
Austin, Texas

The Bottle House

Unusual house, in an unusual neighborhood, home to some very unusual peanuts.
Austin, Texas

Snake Island

A small island hides in plain sight on Austin's Lady Bird Lake.
Austin, Texas

The Sometimes Islands

Some islands... they come, they go, especially on Lake Travis.
Austin, Texas

Uncommon Objects

One part antique store, one part curiosities hodge-podge.
Austin, Texas

Mayfield Park

Free public park and gardens filled with peacocks and peahens.
Austin, Texas

Toy Joy

A store full of vintage and indie toys designed to bring out the kid in even the crustiest of adults.