StephUnfiltered's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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New York, New York

Collyer Brothers Park

Harlem park dedicated to compulsive hoarders killed by their own junk.
New York, New York

Museum of American Finance

Ever wanted the laymen's version of your credit card fine print?
New York, New York

Cole Porter's Piano

A famous songsmith's custom piano, dubbed "High Society," is hidden just out of sight in one of New York's finest hotels.
New York, New York

La Plaza Cultural

This former crime corner has been turned into an eclectic community center.
New York, New York

Exchange Bar & Grill

Test your business savvy and play the market for cocktails at this stock exchange-inspired watering hole.
New York, New York

Grand Opening 139 Norfolk

Check your calendars; you might be attending a drive-in movie or sitting next to a fashion runway.
New York, New York

The Oldest Fence in New York

Built hundreds of years ago this downtown iron barrier once protected a much despised king.
New York, New York

Mysterious Bookshop

The world’s oldest and biggest bookstore stocking only mystery, crime fiction, espionage, and thrillers.
New York, New York

767 Third Avenue

A Manhattan office building is home to the world's largest chess board.
New York, New York

Site of Columbia University's Nuclear Reactor

This was one of the first (and last) university-built and operated nuclear reactors.
New York, New York

Hidden Wall of 1976 Graffiti

A partially hidden wall graffitied by spectators of the 1976 Bicentennial, recently rediscovered.
New York, New York

190 Bowery

The greatest real estate coup of all time.
New York, New York

Shrine of Saint Frances Cabrini

The mummified relics of an American missionary.
New York, New York

The Museum of Interesting Things

A hands-on traveling collection of the innovative devices of yesteryear.
New York, New York

Maxilla & Mandible

A Natural History and Science Emporium.
New York, New York

Church of the Intercession

A Manhattan Episcopal church with an eerie underground crypt.
New York, New York

Lenin Statue at Red Square

Salute the leader of the proletariat.
New York, New York

Holiday Nostalgia Train

During the holidays, a vintage subway train whisks New Yorkers back in time.
New York, New York

Tammany Hall

The notorious headquarters of a corrupt political machine.
New York, New York

Billy's Antiques and Props

A veritable variety of odds and ends.
New York, New York

The Hangman's Elm

The oldest living tree in Manhattan comes shrouded in sinister legend.
New York, New York


A notorious punk house turned co-op.
New York, New York

Paley Park

A small peaceful park and waterfall tucked amid the urban grind of Midtown Manhattan.
New York, New York

Broken Kilometer

One kilometer of thick brass rod laid out before your eyes.