SummerinFL's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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St. Marys, Georgia

St. Marys Submarine Museum

Interactive modern and vintage submarine equipment, World War II relics, and submarine attire.
Islamorada, Florida

Betsy the Lobster

This spiny beast guards an artist's village while vying for the title of largest lobster in the world.
Key Largo, Florida

The African Queen

The famous boat that once ferried Bogart and Hepburn still floats in Key Largo after being abandoned for years.

SS Sapona

A steamer run aground near Bimini lives a second life as a playground for scuba divers.
Key Largo, Florida

Underwater Hotel in Key Largo

Stay in a room with a view... of the bottom of the ocean.
Alice Town, Bahamas

Dolphin House Museum

One man's love of sea life and art has turned his home into a temple of outsider island art.
North Bimini Island, Bahamas

Bimini Road

An underwater road considered a possible Atlantis location.
Mayo, Florida

Hal W. Adams Bridge

Florida's first suspension bridge.

Great Isaac Cay

Bermuda triangle lighthouse, site of mysterious disappearances, left to crumble into the Atlantic.
Homestead, Florida

Aerojet Dade Rocket Facility

When this test site was abandoned, they didn't even bother to take the rocket with them.
Jacksonville, Florida

Treaty Oak

This ancient octopus-like tree was saved from destruction thanks to shady reporting.
Jacksonville, Florida

Jacksonville Interchange Spiral

Must form and function forever remain at odds? Not if the Florida Department of Transportation has its way.
Homestead, Florida

Ed Leedskalnin's Coral Castle

A mysterious castle built as a monument to lost love.
Key Biscayne, Florida

Neptune Memorial Reef

An underwater city for the dead.
Key Biscayne, Florida


A community of collapsing homes more than a mile out from the Florida coast.
Miami, Florida

Monkey Jungle

Where monkeys run wild and the humans are caged.
Miami Beach, Florida

The Wolfsonian-FIU

Over 120,000 curious objects that have shaped our modern world.
Miami Beach, Florida

World Erotic Art Museum

12,000 sq. ft. museum tracing erotic art from antiquity to modern times.
Miami, Florida

Miami Circle

A perfect circle of 24 mysterious holes dates back to prehistoric times.
Coral Gables, Florida

Venetian Pool

The only swimming pool listed on the National Register of Historic Places is emptied and refilled each day with naturally filtered water.
North Miami Beach, Florida

The Cloisters of the Ancient Spanish Monastery

St Bernard de Clairvaux Episcopal Church, better known as one of the oldest European buildings in the Western Hemisphere.
St. Augustine, Florida

St. Photios National Greek Orthodox Shrine

Location of a reliquary containing bone fragments of 18 saints.
St. Augustine, Florida

Wolf's Museum of Mystery

This curio museum seems like the type of place you might find a mogwai or a monkey's paw.
Waldo, Florida

Waldo Farmer's and Flea Market

North Central Florida's largest flea market and a weekend roadtripper's dream.