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Places visited in Port Huron, Michigan
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New Orleans, Louisiana

Saint Louis Cemetery No. 1

The oldest cemetery in New Orleans, resting peacefully for over 200 years now.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Marie Laveau's Tomb

The final resting place of New Orleans' most famous voodoo priestess.
Detroit, Michigan

Packard Automotive Plant

The concrete shell of an industry giant remains as a playground for graffiti artists, auto scrappers, and paintball warriors.
Detroit, Michigan

Lincoln Street Art Park

This former industrial site has transformed into a community sculpture garden that hosts monthly Full Moon parties.
Detroit, Michigan

Southwestern High School

This empty Detroit high school was too expensive to maintain or destroy.
Detroit, Michigan

Detroit Children's Zoo

The bones of an old zoo crumbling in the shadow of a new one.
Detroit, Michigan

Merrill Fountain

This elaborately-carved white marble fountain was built to stand outside the Detroit Opera House.
Detroit, Michigan

Nancy Brown Peace Carillon

Advice-columnist's bell tower, paid for with pennies.
Detroit, Michigan

Fisher Body Plant 21

Glass and concrete building designed by Albert Kahn.
Detroit, Michigan

Crow Manor

Collective made up of artists, musicians, and activists.
Detroit, Michigan

Grand Trunk Pub

The grandiose interior of this bar speaks to its past as home to famous jewelers and railway offices.
Detroit, Michigan

Murals in the Market

Detroit’s Eastern Market has been transformed into an outdoor museum with colorful murals that address social issues and symbolize the city.
Detroit, Michigan

Giant Boxing Arm of Joe Louis

Controversial tribute to the heavyweight champion boxer who grew up in Detroit.
Detroit, Michigan

Grand Army of the Republic Building

Detroit’s downtown castle is one of the oldest structures in the city.
Detroit, Michigan

Detroit Industrial Gallery

The pieces in this sculpture garden are made from demolished buildings that were once landmarks of Motor City.
Detroit, Michigan

Geodesic Dome House

Concrete igloos standing across from what remains of the Michigan Central train depot.
Detroit, Michigan

Giant Cow Head

Standing guard on top of an old, vacant ice cream shop.
Detroit, Michigan

Vanity Ballroom

Dilapidated Mayan-themed ballroom was one of Detroit's most popular venues through the 40s.
Detroit, Michigan

Eight Mile Wall

A painted-over wall in Detroit originally built to segregate a black community from an adjacent white development.
Detroit, Michigan

Abandoned Abundant Life Christian Center

An ornate Detroit church, left empty and ravaged by time.
Detroit, Michigan

The Russell Industrial Center

Enormous small-business mecca in the Midwest, serving dozens of artists.
Detroit, Michigan

Michigan Theatre

Opulent downtown movie theater now houses cars as an indoor parking garage.
Detroit, Michigan

Detroit Masonic Temple

The world’s largest Masonic temple was saved by the White Stripes.
Detroit, Michigan

Michigan Central Station

A Beaux-Arts triumph rises from decades of decay to become the heart of a new innovation district