theops2's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Shiraz, Iran
Places visited in Fars Province, Iran
Places visited in Shenzhen Shi, China
Places visited in Kowloon, Hong Kong
Places edited in Frankfurt, Germany
Places visited in Essen, Germany
Places edited in Hilversum, Netherlands
Places visited in Curitiba, Brazil
Places visited in Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina
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Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Mai-Kai Restaurant

When you can't get to the Pacific, just go to Florida.
Muscat, Oman

The Muttrah Souq

This bazaar is one of the oldest in the Arabian world.
Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Burj Al Arab

A preposterously luxurious hotel with gold-plated iPads, Rolls Royce chauffeurs, and a staff that trains by watching "Downton Abbey."
Dubai, United Arab Emirates

The World Islands

This artificial archipelago was supposed to resemble a map of the world.
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque

Whitewashed mosque contains the world's largest carpet.
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Abu Dhabi Falcon Hospital

The largest falcon hospital in the world, caring for over 6,000 feathered patients every year.
Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Ski Dubai

This indoor ski resort has a mountain contained inside a mall.
Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Dubai Gold Souk

On any given day this sprawling market houses literally tons of government-regulated gold, gems, and precious metals.
Cairo, Egypt

Cairo's City of the Dead

In Egypt's expanding metro area, many of the neighbors are dead.
Cairo, Egypt

Monastery of Saint Simon

The massive cave church of Cairo's Zabbaleen community is one of the largest Christian churches in the Middle East.
Al Badrashin, Egypt

Pyramid of Djoser

This ancient structure is widely thought to be the oldest intact pyramid in the world.
Cairo, Egypt

Cairo’s Garbage City

Slum Settlement Filled With Mountains of Garbage.
Moscow, Russia

Moscow Metro Stations

The gorgeous entrances into the city's underbelly look more like grand halls than subway stops.
Moscow, Russia

Red Gates skyscraper

Stalinist skyscraper built with help of cryotechnology.
Moscow, Russia

Lenin's Mausoleum

This building holds the embalmed remains of the leader of the Bolshevik Revolution.
Moscow, Russia

Tsar Bell

World's largest bell sits on the grounds of the Kremlin in Moscow.
Moscow, Russia


Dr. Strangelove-esque tours reveal the inside a bunker once reserved for Stalin himself.
Moscow, Russia

Institute of Russian Realist Art

One of the largest collections of socialist realist art shows the surprising depth of the official art of the Soviet Union.
Moscow, Russia

State Darwin Museum

The world's first museum dedicated to the work of game-changing naturalist Charles Darwin.
Moscow, Russia

Moscow State University

Gargantuan home of Russian science.
Zhangye Shi, China

Zhangye National Geopark

These layered sandstone mountains in China look like they are made of pressed crayons.
Weinan, China

Huashan Mountain

A harrowing trail up a mile-high mountain.
Beijing, China

Great Wall of China Slide

Why walk on this historical site when you can zoom down instead?
Kyoto, Japan


Burial mound for the ears and noses of thousands of mutilated Korean soldiers.