thorne031's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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thorne031's activity rankings
Places visited in Aguas Calientes, Peru
Places visited in Puno, Peru
Places visited in Kowloon, Hong Kong
Places visited in Rotterdam, Netherlands
Places edited in Uruguay
Places visited in Delft, Netherlands
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La Maddalena, Italy

Spiaggia Rosa (Pink Beach)

Crushed coral and crystals give the sand its signature coloration.
Alghero, Italy

Neptune's Grotto

Stalactites and stalagmites in a beautifully lit cave.
Rotterdam, Netherlands

Sweepers Clock

The hands on this clock appear to be created by two workers sweeping debris into careful positions.
Bolzano, Italy

Ötzi the Iceman

Europe’s oldest natural human mummy.
Rotterdam, Netherlands

Het Wittehuis

The oldest skyscraper of Europe now stands dwarfed by the surrounding structures.
Rotterdam, Netherlands

Erasmus Statue

The oldest statue in the Netherlands has survived relocation, bombardment, and burial.
Rotterdam, Netherlands

The Giant Of Rotterdam

A statue of the second-tallest Dutchman in history.
Rotterdam, Netherlands

Het Badkonijn

A giant floating rubber duck-bunny painted with a different design every year.
Rotterdam, Netherlands

The Hat of Lou Bandy

From afar it looks like someone's hat blew into the water, but closer inspection reveals a giant floating sculpture.
Schwangau, Germany

Neuschwanstein Castle

The fairy tale castle of the "fairy-tale king."
Haría, Spain

Los Jameos del Agua

Partially collapsed lava tube and cave system complete with concert hall, underground pond, and unique albino crabs.
Guía, Spain

Cenobio de Valeron

Hundreds of caves once used to store grains and animal feed.
La Palma, Spain

The Naval Museum of Santa Cruz de La Palma

This replica of Columbus's famous ship houses the history of La Palma's maritime importance during the Age of Exploration.
La Palma, Spain

La Fajana Natural Pools

You can soak in three relaxing pools filled daily by the tide.
La Palma, Spain

The Colorful Balconies of Avenida Maritima

These wooden balconies that are both decorative and functional.
Vallehermoso, Spain

The Whistling Island

On La Gomera, "Silbadors" communicate in a 4,000-word language of whistles.
Oudenbosch, Netherlands

Basiliek Oudenbosch

Scale model of St. Peter's Cathedral (Rome) in the middle of a small Dutch town.
Eltziego, Spain

Hotel Marques De Riscal

A medieval village holds a very modern hotel.
Genk, Belgium

Cycling Through Water

This bike path was sunk below water level for maximum wonder.
Dwingeloo, Netherlands

Dwingeloo Radio Observatory

This giant radio telescope would be a rusting ruin if it hadn't become such a beloved relic.
Bourtange, Netherlands

Fort Bourtange

This beautifully designed star-shaped fort was the premier defense system of the late 1500s.
Stockholm, Sweden

Vasa Museum

It houses the remains of a 17th-century version of the Titanic.
Antwerp, Belgium

Nello and Patrasche

This statue dedicated to the story of a Flemish boy and his dog was relatively obscure in Belgium, but a cult sensation in Japan.
Antwerp, Belgium

Semini Sculpture

This heavily worn bas-relief was once an honored fertility symbol.