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Rome, Italy

Ludus Magnus

The ruins of the largest gladiatorial school in Rome are largely hidden under modern streets.
Milan, Italy

Royal Pavilion at Stazione Centrale

An exclusive waiting room built for the royal family in the 1920s is hidden in Milan’s central station.
L'Aquila, Italy

Fountain of 99 Spouts

A medieval fountain lined with 99 unique stone faces whose origins and meaning remain unknown.
Carrara, Italy

Cava Museo

Explore the quarry where the marble was sourced for Michaelangelo's David.
Villaggio Monte Busca, Italy

Monte Busca Volcano

This natural gas vent certainly earns its name as the smallest volcano in Italy.
Caltagirone, Italy

Ceramic Steps of Caltagirone

142 ceramic steps become a mosaic once a year.
Rome, Italy

The Sweating Cenotaph at the Archbasilica San Giovanni in Laterano

Stone memorial that's said to predict the death of the pope and the site of the Cadaver Synod.
Caprarola, Italy

Villa Farnese

A lavish 16th-century mansion filled with spectacular staircases, fantastic frescoes, and gorgeous gardens.
Cassino, Italy

Montecassino Abbey

This breathtaking monastery was established by Saint Benedict himself 1,500 years ago.
Milan, Italy

Shoah Memorial of Milan

The train platform where Jews were sent to concentration camps is now preserved as a Holocaust memorial.
Lecce, Italy

Museo Faggiano

One man's quest to fix his toilet unearthed over 5,000 artifacts spanning more than 2,000 years of history.
Rome, Italy

Pons Fabricius

This is the oldest Roman-made bridge in the city still existing in its original state.
Licenza, Italy

Abandoned Abbey of Santa Maria del Piano

The ruins of an abbey believed to have been founded by Charlemagne in the 9th century.
Naples, Italy

Funicolare Centrale

In a city that boasts four separate inclined cable railways, this is one of the busiest funicular lines in the world.
Palermo, Italy

San Giovanni degli Eremiti

Behind medieval walls in a corner of bustling Palermo is a breathtaking former mosque once inhabited by a wolf-taming hermit.
Marostica, Italy

The Living Chess Game - Partita a Scacchi di Marostica

Machismo turned on its head: the lady's hand goes to the dude with the bigger brain.
Rome, Italy

Temple of Hercules Victor

This curious, round temple is the oldest still-standing marble building in Rome.
Milan, Italy

La Vigna di Leonardo (Leonardo’s Vineyard)

Just across from the "Last Supper" painting is the famous painter's vineyard, a gift received for creating the masterpiece.
Rome, Italy

Mercatus Traiani (Trajan's Market)

This ancient market is often referred to as the oldest shopping mall in the world.
Padua, Italy

Palazzo del Bo Anatomical Theater

The world's oldest surviving anatomical theater, where "the dead are pleased to help the living."
Venice, Italy


The small peaceful island off the Venice tourist circuit is where the city began more than 1,500 years ago.
Chiusdino, Italy

Abbey of San Galgano

These gutted monastery ruins still stand proudly in the middle of the Italian countryside.
Atrani, Italy


This seaside Italian village doesn't just look Escher-esque, it actually inspired the mind-bending artist.
Rome, Italy

The Museum of Roman Ships at Fiumicino

Roman-era ships unearthed...