tyler's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
Jelgava, Latvia

Jelgava Palace

This ducal residence was once home to a future Russian empress and a French king in exile.
Glasgow, Scotland

The Trongate Cherub

An angelic, yet demonic-looking figurine presides over one of Glasgow's most ancient streets.
Riga, Latvia


This statue is dedicated to the animal cosmonauts that perished during space flight experiments.
Portslade, England

Portslade ‘Gassie’

This desolate boat was once a key form of public transportation for Portslade residents.
Lerwick, Scotland

Shetland Library

This public library still showcases its former life as a 19th-century church.
Shanghai, China

Dr Sun Yat-sen’s Former Residence

The birthplace of modern China.
Newton, Massachusetts

John Eliot Memorial

Eliot was the first missionary to produce religious text for Algonquians in their own language.
Ostend, Belgium


Rediscovered in 1992, this abandoned medieval village once flourished by fishing and piracy.
Shankharapur, Nepal

Shiva Statue

The spot where Parvati convinced Shiva to marry her, has become a pilgrimage site for married and unmarried women.
Shanghai, China

Shanghai Film Park

This film studio and amusement park is considered one of the greatest filming locations in China.
Lerwick, Scotland

The Dutchman's Leap

Legend has it that a Dutch fisherman lost control of his Shetland pony and tumbled from this cliff.

Keppel Hill Reservoir

A former reservoir that was only recently discovered after more than 60 years of disuse.
Lerwick, Scotland

'Shetland Receivers'

This audio art installation pays tribute to the weather and unique linguistic history of the archipelago.
Hoy, Scotland

Dwarfie Stane

Legends surrounding this megalithic tomb range from giants to a dwarf named Trollid.
Market Harborough, England

The Old Grammar School

This iconic building was founded as a school for the impoverished, but became one for the sons of the local gentry.
Bronx, New York

Concrete Plant Park

A riverfront park that both remediated and preserved its industrial past.
Villahermosa, Mexico

'La Ceiba' Water Tank

The majestic, sacred tree is represented on this piece of public infrastructure.
Turin, Italy

Piazza Statuto

This fountain is dedicated to the workers who perished constructing the Fréjus Rail Tunnel.
Highland, Scotland

Abandoned Badbea

An abandoned village where the ruined foundations cling to a cliff.
Highland, Scotland

Carn Liath

This rare surviving broch is one of Scotland's most impressive Bronze Age structures.
Meriden, Connecticut

Traffic Control Tower

A human attendant once directed car traffic from this structure before automated stoplights.
Antwerp, Belgium

The Whisperer

This interactive sculpture allows visitors to leave a message in case a friend passes by.
Highland, Scotland

Moine House

This ruined travelers shelter sits abandoned in a desolate bog of Flow Country.
York, England

Holy Trinity Church, Goodramgate

This medieval church is not only notable for its architecture, but also its connection with LGBTQ+ history.