veronikaanne1981's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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New York, New York

The White Horse Tavern

Great place to have a drink and a bite to eat in an atmosphere laden with New York's Bohemian past.
New York, New York

Bryant Park Bathroom

The fanciest public restroom in New York City boasts fresh flowers, art, and a classical music soundtrack.
New York, New York

The Secret Entrance to the Knickerbocker Hotel

An unassuming secret door once led to a legendary watering hole.
New York, New York

6 1/2 Avenue: Manhattan's Secret Street

Tucked away amidst some of the most famous addresses in the world is New York's only fraction of a street.
Queens, New York

Houdini's Grave

The final resting place of the great escape artist, where some still gather to wait for his escape from death.
New York, New York

Times Square Hum

A pedestrian island in the middle of world-famous Times Square emits a strange (and purposeful) humming noise.
New York, New York

United Palace Theatre

One of the last Jazz Age "Wonder Theaters" in New York City.
London, England

Two Princes Staircase

Richard III supposedly disposed of his nephews' bodies here in an effort to seal his claim to the throne.
London, England

Panzer’s Deli & Grocery

Order bagels and lox from an iconic Jewish delicatessen with nearly a century of history behind it.
London, England

Honey & Co. Bloomsbury

Feast on Middle Eastern mezze from an Israeli expat duo.
London, England

Topolski's 'Memoir of the Century'

Tucked inside a South Bank bar is an epic expressionist chronicle of the 20th century.
London, England

Café in the Crypt

This coffee shop lies hidden beneath a historic church.
London, England

Philpot Lane Mice Sculpture

A mysterious pair of mice eating a piece of cheese is London's smallest public sculpture.
London, England

Growing Underground

The world's first underground farm is in a World War II bomb shelter beneath the streets of London.
Istanbul, Turkey

Ottoman Bird Palaces

The ornate miniature mansions were built for Istanbul's feathered residents.
Istanbul, Turkey

Basilica Cisterns of Istanbul

A marvel of Byzantine engineering under the streets of Istanbul.
Eleele, Hawaii

Kauai Glass Beach

This industrial area was the dumping ground for massive amounts of trash, some of which washes up as tiny bits of sea glass.
An-Nabk District, Syria

Deir Mar Musa al-Habashi

This ancient mountain monastery welcomes all manner of faith in an effort to keep Christians in Syria.
Aleppo, Syria

Souk al-Saqatiya

Amid the rubble of Aleppo's Old Quarter, part of a historic market has been restored and re-opened.
Aleppo, Syria

The Citadel of Aleppo

One of the oldest and largest castles in the world.
Masyaf, Syria

Musyaf Castle

The Syrian headquarters of alleged hashish-smoking assassins.
Balshoon, Syria

Dead City of Serjilla

A 1,500-year-old ghost settlement is slowly fading away.
Safita, Syria

Krak des Chevaliers

Ruins of the Crusaders' headquarters.
Palmyra, Syria


Mysterious lost empire of the Silk Road.