Vladas U's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Vladas U's activity rankings
Places visited in Rovaniemi, Finland
Places visited in Daugavpils, Latvia
Places visited in Lithuania
Places visited in Kaunas, Lithuania
Places added to Lithuania
Places visited in Vilnius, Lithuania
Places added to Belarus
Places visited in Sárospatak, Hungary
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Almaty, Kazakhstan

Statue of Panfilov's 28 Guardsmen

This Soviet statue is based on a piece of propaganda that's been elevated to national myth.
Almaty, Kazakhstan

Beatles Statue of Almaty

Beatlemania is still going strong... at least in Kazakhstan.
Almaty, Kazakhstan

Ascension Cathedral

In Kazakhstan, a colorful cathedral with many lives once survived the most powerful earthquake in the region.
Almaty, Kazakhstan

Zelionyj Bazaar

This sprawling market is a one-stop shop for traditional Kazakh foods, from mare’s milk to sheep’s head.
Veiveriai, Lithuania

The Museum of Historical Memory

An exhibit dedicated to a Lithuanian partisan.
Vilnius, Lithuania

Bėgių Parkas (Railway Park)

A wide array of locomotives call this outdoor museum home.
Kaunas, Lithuania

George Maciunas Square

The world's first invisible city square is an homage to a man who pushed the boundaries of art.
Nida, Lithuania

Nida Ethnographic Cemetery

An extensive collection of some of the oldest grave markers in Lithuania.
Pušaloto seniūnija, Lithuania

Niurkoniai Chapel

This lonely Lithuanian chapel looks more beautiful and haunting in decline than it ever did in life.
Vilnius, Lithuania

Tony Soprano Statue

A 15-foot-tall statue of the head of the Sopranos family greets passengers at a train station in southeastern Lithuania.
Vilnius, Lithuania

One Million Cent Pyramid

The largest coin pyramid in the world is a carefully balanced stack of over 1,000,000 pieces.
Trakai, Lithuania

Trakai Island Castle

Over time, this castle grew to encompass the entire island.
Vilnius, Lithuania

Female Pedestrian Lights

These traffic lights celebrate the 100 year anniversary of the women's suffrage movement in Lithuania.
Musteika, Lithuania

Ancient Beekeeping Museum

A tiny traditional village keeps an ancient method of beekeeping alive.
Poznań, Poland

Poznan June 1956 Monument

An impressive monument to Poland's independence.
Poznań, Poland

Edmund Szyc Stadium

An abandoned football stadium with a tragic past.
Poznań, Poland

The Fighting Goats of Poznań

These mechanical goats first battled it out in the year 1551, all because of an overcooked deer.
Poznań, Poland

St. Martin’s Croissant Museum

The traditional Polish croissant, folded 81 times into the shape of a horseshoe, is a legally protected cultural treat.
Chełmno, Poland

Pieces of St. Valentine's Skull

The relics are stored in a silver reliquary, where they can be seen through glass.
Torun, Poland

Nicolaus Copernicus House

Museum dedicated to "the man who moved the Earth."
Helsinki, Finland

Lyhdynkantajat (The Lantern Bearers)

These enormous, stern-faced statues greet visitors with lanterns, and sometimes costumes.
Imatra, Finland


These Finnish rapids have been attracting tourists for over a hundred years and are now released with the push of a button.
Virolahti, Finland

Abandoned Bunkers of Salpalinja

Fortifications built for a Soviet invasion that never came now sit abandoned in a losing battle against nature.
Rovaniemi, Finland

Rovaniemi's Arctic Circle Border

If you visit Santa's village, you can get your passport stamped to show you crossed into the Arctic Circle.