warren's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Bristol, England

Hermit's Cave and Quaker Burial Ground

A medieval cave used to shelter local hermits now holds nearly 200 old Quaker gravestones.
Leek, England

The Winking Man

A face-like natural rock formation so well known, a pub was named in its honor.
London, England

Barnet Physic Well

A mineral spring that became all the rage in 17th-century England.
Canterbury, England

Beaney House of Art and Knowledge

A wonderfully eccentric Victorian-era museum and library.
Canterbury, England

The Rook in the Red Coat

This strangely dressed taxidermy creature has a heartbreaking story.
Lympne, England

Portus Lemanis

The ruins of a Roman fort lie in the shadows of an imposing medieval castle.
Lincoln, England

The Lincoln Imp

Legend says this demonic carving inside a medieval cathedral was one of Satan's minions.
Barnard Castle, England

Deepdale Aqueduct

This Victorian footbridge over the River Tees was originally built to carry water from the high moorland to the industrial towns on the coast.
Newmarket, England


A misunderstanding gave this 18th-century racehorse a most amusing name.
Peterborough, England

Old Scarlett's Grave

A humble homage to a gravedigger tucked within the dignified English cathedral.
Donna Nook, England

Gray Seals of Donna Nook

The adorable animals return to this nature reserve every fall to give birth to their pups.
Sheffield, England

Shepherd Wheel

In England, an 18th-century water-powered workshop still stands.
London, England

Blenheim Gardens Estate

A wonderfully preserved example of London's 1960s-style high-density, low-rise public housing.
Wakefield, England

Chantry Chapel of St Mary the Virgin

A tiny chapel perched along a 14th-century bridge.
South Yorkshire, England

The Birley Spa Bathhouse

This old Victorian bathhouse is fed by an ancient spring.
Worthing, England

Dome Cinema

It was once the longest continuously running cinema in the United Kingdom.
Southwell, England

The Leaves of Southwell

Exquisite carvings of leaves, Green Men, and the occasional dragon adorn a medieval chapter house.
Nottinghamshire, England

Fountain Dale

This muddy wooded valley and the ancient structures it hides are said to be the favored haunt of the legendary Friar Tuck.
Nottinghamshire, England

Chapel of Saint Mary the Virgin

English Protestants once criticized this enormous private chapel for being too ornate.
Staffordshire, England

Erasmus Darwin House

The house where Charles Darwin's grandfather formed many of his influential ideas and inventions.
Tring, England

Tring Natural History Museum Hybrid Animals

A menagerie of curiously bred creatures.
Whitby, England

Whitby Wishing Chair

Legend says squeezing into this slender stone seat will make your wish come true.
Bingley, England

Milner Field Ruins

A lavish Victorian mansion wound up inheriting a gruesome reputation that would be its demise.
Lyme Regis, England

Lyme Regis Museum

A local museum honors the overlooked discoveries of Mary Anning, one of the first professional fossil hunters.