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Quito, Ecuador

Basílica del Voto Nacional

Legend says if this neo-Gothic basilica is ever officially completed, the world will come to an end.

Wall of Tears

Building this tragically pointless stone barrier cost the lives of the prisoners made to build it.
Quito, Ecuador

La Virgen de Quito

This 12-inch-tall wooden sculpture of a winged Virgin Mary has inspired much devotion and countless replicas.
Quito, Ecuador

Calle García Moreno

This historic street in Quito is known for its seven stone crosses—and one presidential assassination.
San Antonio de Pichincha, Ecuador

Intiñan Solar Museum

Home of the "true" equator.

Laguna Quilotoa

A turquoise lake within a volcanic crater.
Banos, Ecuador

Swing at the End of the World

A swing to dangle you off the very edge.
Canoa, Ecuador

Corrales Marinos de Monkey Beach

These unusual stone structures are actually fish traps crafted by an ancient civilization.
Quito, Ecuador

Palacio de Carondelet

Ecuador’s historic seat of government has been quietly looted in recent decades, and no one knows how or by whom.
Falkland Islands

The Shipwreck of Lady Elizabeth

This haunting ghost ship stands beached in the waters off the coast of the Falkland Islands.
Falkland Islands

Bertha's Beach

This remote stretch of sand is a penguin lover's paradise.
Falkland Islands

Bodie Creek Suspension Bridge

An abandoned suspension bridge on the Falkland Islands is crumbling into the water.

Kaieteur Falls

The world's widest single drop waterfall, and the two men who legend says went over its edge in a boat.

Shell Beach

A nesting ground for four of the world’s seven marine turtle species, most of which are endangered.
Georgetown, Guyana

St. George's Cathedral

Georgetown’s most impressive building is also one of the tallest wooden churches in the world.
Georgetown, Guyana

Demerara Harbour Bridge

The end appears to be nigh for the world's fourth-longest floating bridge.
Georgetown, Guyana

1763 Monument

A monument to Cuffy, a rebellious enslaved person who became a national hero in Guyana.

Fort Kyk-Over-Al

A brick arch is all that remains of this Dutch fort, once a focal point for colonial power struggles in Guyana.
Presidente Franco, Paraguay

Salto de Monday

An underexplored, 130-foot tropical waterfall that you will have all to yourself.
Trinidad, Paraguay

La Santísima Trinidad de Paraná

Of the many Jesuit missions in South America, this complex is one of the best preserved.
Jesús de Tavarangue, Paraguay

Jesuit Mission of Jesús de Tavarangüe

These spectacular ruins were built by Spanish padres in the 17th century.
Areguá, Paraguay

Castillo Carlota Palmerola

An unlikely neo-Gothic castle in the Paraguayan countryside.
Maldonado, Uruguay

Puente Laguna Garzón

Because sometimes the most efficient route from A to B isn't a straight line.
Montevideo, Uruguay

Palacio Salvo

The design of the Palacio Salvo has been described as "a lighthouse on top of a building."