welshdaz2003's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Wales
Places visited in Gwynedd, Wales
Places visited in Cardiff, Wales
Places visited in Denbigh, Wales
Places visited in St Dogmaels, Wales
Places visited in Isle of Anglesey, Wales
Places visited in Prestatyn, Wales
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Kilbrittain, Ireland

Kilbrittain Whale

The skeleton of a whale that beached itself in this Irish town is now on display in their public park.
Cork, Ireland

Baltimore Beacon

An oddly conical beacon perched atop beautiful Irish cliffs.
Kerry, Ireland

Telegraph Field Valentia Island

This beautiful site is where the first transatlantic telegraph was sent from.
Kerry, Ireland

Saint Brendan’s Well

An ancient holy well said to be used by the patron saint of sailors and travelers, lost in the boggy west of Valentia Island.
Kerry, Ireland

Charlie Chaplin's Vacation Statue

An Irish town has built a statue to a silent film actor simply thanks to the holidays he once spent there.
Kerry, Ireland

Tetrapod Trackway

Petrified footprints of one of the very first vertebrates to walk on land.
Kerry, Ireland

King Puck

A proud bronze billy stands as an eternal symbol of Ireland's oldest festival, where a goat is made king.
Creeragh, Ireland

Me Little Brudder Memorial

A small memorial commemorates a man who died at Kilkee Cliffs.
Ross, Ireland

Bridges of Ross

This natural sea arch highlights Ireland's rugged coastal beauty.
Carrick-On-Shannon, Ireland

Costello Memorial Chapel

The smallest chapel in Europe is a moving testament to the love between a husband and wife.
Prestatyn, Wales

Prestatyn Roman Baths

Roman ruins found on the outskirts of a small town on the North Wales coast have over time become a strong part of the community's identity.
Denbigh, Wales

Denbigh Insane Asylum

The decaying ruins of Wales' first asylum for the mentally ill.
Gwynedd, Wales

The Blue Lake

A hidden tunnel leads to an abandoned slate quarry that's now a secret swimming spot guarded by cliffs.
Carmarthen, Wales

Merlin's Oak

Associated with the famous wizard, it is said that when this oak tree falls, so will the town.
Pontarfynach, Wales

AA Sentry Box #289

Long before mobile phones or GPS were available, these sentry boxes provided help for motorists in need.
Rhyl, Wales

Rhyl Miniature Railway

Britain's oldest miniature railway.
Colwyn Bay, Wales

Harlequin Puppet Theatre

Britain's oldest permanent theatre designed and built for puppets.
Port Eynon, Wales

Port Eynon Salt House

The seaside ruins of an ancient salt production facility.
Powys, Wales

Maen Llia

Legend has it that this stone moves down to the river sometimes to have a drink.
St Dogmaels, Wales

The Blessing Stone

Since the Middle Ages, this stone has been used as a place to bless fishing boats moored at the nearby landing stage.
Swansea, Wales

Gravestone of Christmas Evans

Evans's funeral had one of the largest attendances of any funeral in the history of Wales.
Aberdyfi, Wales

Aberdovey Time and Tide Bell

According to legend, this bell once belonged to a kingdom now lost beneath the waves.
Port Eynon, Wales

Culver Hole

This tall stone wall with no door and ill-matched windows was built centuries ago, and used as a shelter for domesticated pigeons.
Cenarth, Wales

National Coracle Centre

A museum dedicated to Wales’ favorite—and strangest-looking—watercraft.