wiebkereimann's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Barcelona, Spain

Casa Vicens

Step inside the first house designed by Catalan architect Antoni Gaudí, considered to be one of the first Art Nouveau buildings.
Heimaey, Iceland

World's Largest Puffin Colony

Every summer local children form "pysja patrols" to save young birds that have wandered from their nests.
Vienna, Austria


A neo-Gothic mansion now houses a wunderkammer of analog tech that hits on all the senses.
Gemert, Netherlands

3D-Printed Bike Bridge

The Netherlands is home to a bridge printed out of reinforced concrete.

Don Juan Pond

Scientists use one of the saltiest bodies of water on Earth as a terrestrial base for studying water on Mars.
Zrenj, Croatia


Croatia's "hairy stone" fortress is one of the most well preserved Istrian castles.
Vilnius, Lithuania

Vilnil Museum of Illusions

Things aren't quite what they seem at this mind-bending museum.
Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Mostar Sniper Tower

A former bank seized as a sniper vantage point during the Bosnian War is now a secret graffiti art gallery.
West Yellowstone, Montana

Grizzly and Wolf Discovery Center

The residents at this Yellowstone wildlife park will certify your cooler as "bear-proof."
Dubrovnik, Croatia

Hotel Belvedere

The complex has been abandoned since the Croatian War of Independence, barring a stint as a set for 'Game of Thrones.'
Kupari, Croatia

The Abandoned Hotels of Kupari

The now-overgrown beach resort was once frequented by Yugoslav military elite.
Roudbar Alamout, Iran

Alamut Castle

This ruined fortress was the stronghold for a persecuted medieval leader and his infamous Assassins.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

City Hall Urinal

A public urinal so pretty, it was declared a national monument.
Cervia, Italy

Woodpecker Disco

A domed disco abandoned since the '70s now attracts artists and explorers under its unique roof.
Foynes, Ireland

Foynes Flying Boat Museum

The world's only flying boat museum honors a small Irish village that sent 20th-century aviation to new heights.
Anchorage, Alaska

Turnagain Arm Bore Tide

During the summer, surfers in Alaska take advantage of this inlet’s unusual water patterns.
Nentershausen, Germany

Naturbauten Park

At this unusual park, domes, ladders, chairs, and more are made from trees.
Obergoms VS, Switzerland

Hotel Belvédère

A once-thriving hotel in the Swiss Alps couldn't compete with climate change.
Nagold, Germany


A German town is growing a building out of trees.
Kasendorf, Germany

The Dance Linden

For centuries, Germans have been dancing in trees.
Prague, Czechia

R2-D2 of Prague

Street artists transformed an abandoned air vent into the beloved Star Wars robot.
Milan, Italy

Loggia dei Mercanti Whispering Gallery

The secret medieval communication system will whisk your words above the noise of the crowd.
Offaly, Ireland

Birr Castle Box Hedge

The world's tallest box hedge is found in a delightful garden.
Maribor, Slovenia

The Old Vine

The world's oldest grape-producing vine has survived four centuries of turmoil and even has its own anthem.