wjrandon's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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wjrandon's activity rankings
Places visited in Fayetteville, West Virginia
Places added to Cartersville, Georgia
Places edited in Cartersville, Georgia
Places edited in Brookfield, Illinois
Places visited in Fairplay, Colorado
Places visited in Crystal River, Florida
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Anaheim, California

Walt Disney’s Lamp

Allegedly haunted by Walt Disney himself, this inconspicuous lamp is always kept lit in his honor.
Jekyll Island, Georgia

DuBignon Cemetery

A modest walled graveyard where nobody is actually buried.
Jacksonville, Florida

Fort Caroline National Memorial

This replica of a 16th-century French settlement memorializes one of the earliest attempts at a European settlement in North America.
Atlanta, Georgia

1895 Exposition Steps

Final remnants of the 1895 Cotton States and International Exposition.
San Antonio, Texas

Mission San Jose

Three hundred years of preserved Spanish colonial history in San Antonio.
Agawa Bay, Ontario

Agawa Rock

A sacred Ojibwe site covered in pictographs next to Lake Superior.
Danese, West Virginia

Glade Creek Grist Mill

This functioning mill was built in the 1970s using parts from several other West Virginia mills.
Fairplay, Colorado

South Park City

This open-air reconstruction of an Old West town, a cross between a theme park and a museum, provides an immersive historical experience.
Moab, Utah

Potash Road Rock Art Site

This site is home to ancient petroglyphs and pictographs dating back to 6,000 B.C.
Gauley Bridge, West Virginia

Cathedral Falls

The tallest waterfall in West Virginia.
Suffolk, Virginia

Great Dismal Swamp

An out-of-the-way wildlife haven with a rich and storied past of harboring thousands of fugitive slaves, or "Maroons" during the mid 1800s.
Phil Campbell, Alabama

Dismals Canyon

Famous for its bio-luminescent inhabitants, known as "dismalites."
Childersburg, Alabama

Majestic Caverns

Since it formed millions of years ago, this cave system has been a sacred burial ground, a Prohibition-era speakeasy, and the center of an amusement park.
Warrior, Alabama

Rickwood Caverns

In Rickwood Caverns, visitors can travel hundreds of feet underground and see beautiful formations unique to the region.
Tuscumbia, Alabama

Rattlesnake Saloon

You'll need cowboy boots to trek to this old-fashioned saloon nestled in a giant natural cave.
Tuscumbia, Alabama

Helen Keller's Water Pump

Underneath this water pump, Annie Sullivan helped Keller speak her first words.
Vestavia Hills, Alabama

Statue of Liberty Replica

This 36-foot-tall bronze Lady Liberty holds a real flaming torch.
Columbia, Tennessee

James K. Polk Home and Museum

The former home of the 11th president of the United States.
Gulf Shores, Alabama

Fort Morgan Historic Site

This coastal port saw one of the most significant battles of the Civil War.
Atlanta, Georgia

Bobby Jones Grave

To find the final resting place of a golf legend, just look for the grave covered in golf balls.
Cripple Creek, Colorado

Vindicator Valley Trail

This Colorado hiking trail provides a small gold mine of abandoned gold mines.
Aztec, New Mexico

Aztec Ruins National Monument

The hallowed remains of a 900-year old Ancestral Pueblo great house.
Durango, Colorado

Durango and Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad

This spectacular track has run continuously since 1882.
Millbrook, Alabama

Spectre Set Ruins

The remains of an idyllic small town built for the film 'Big Fish' still stand around a rundown main street.