zombi49x's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Gainesville, Florida

Historic Haile Homestead

Over 12,500 words are scrawled across each room of this historic plantation house and no one knows why.
Lee, Florida

The Ghost Town of Ellaville

This picturesque ghost town is located on the banks of the Suwannee River.
Tallahassee, Florida

Lichgate on High Road

This fairytale-inspired cottage was created by a university literature professor.
Key West, Florida

Robert the Doll

This legendary "evil" doll has been haunting the citizens of Key West for over 100 years.
Lake Wales, Florida

Spook Hill

A haunted hill that supposedly defied gravity.
Delta, Alabama

Cheaha Mountain

The highest point in Alabama was almost completely deforested, but is now home to protected towers and trees.
San Jose, California

The Winchester Mystery House

A peculiar mansion built by the troubled heir to the Winchester Rifle Company fortune.
Los Angeles, California

Underground Tunnels of Los Angeles

During prohibition, corrupt city officials ran drinking dens under the streets of Downtown Los Angeles.
Grand Rapids, Michigan

'Waiting for the Grwost'

Outside Grand Valley State University, you'll find a bench upon which many were said to have sat according to the fictional Kcymaerxthaere, waiting for a guide of time.
Baldwin, Michigan

Shrine of the Pines

This log cabin gallery is one man's gnarly, hand-carved tribute to his favorite trees.
Grand Rapids, Michigan


At HopCat, a marker honors fictional creatures with the ability to travel the missing dimensions of Kcymaerxthaere.
Grand Rapids, Michigan

'Handfuls of Small Stones'

In Grand Rapids, Michigan, a marker honors the creation story of a proud fictional culture.
Lowell charter Township, Michigan

James C. Veen Observatory

This observatory comes complete with three separate telescopes and a dedicated community of amateur and expert astronomers.
Skanee, Michigan

Mount Arvon

The honor of highest point in Michigan was almost given to the wrong peak before this mountain won out by 11 inches.
Allen Park, Michigan

Uniroyal Giant Tire

The 80-foot tire that looms over Michigan's I-94 was once a Ferris wheel in the New York World Fair.
Traverse City, Michigan

Traverse City State Hospital

Former self-sufficient mental institution now a planned community.
Mackinac Island, Michigan

Skull Cave

This shallow cave got its name from copious amount of human bones found inside.
Pontiac, Michigan

Pontiac Silverdome

What was once the largest NFL stadium.
Bruce Crossing, Michigan

Paulding Light

A mysterious light in the wood, rumoured to be the the ghost of a railroad brakeman.
Detroit, Michigan

Southwestern High School

This empty Detroit high school was too expensive to maintain or destroy.
St. Ignace, Michigan

St. Ignace Mystery Spot

Strange physical sensations and optical contradictions keep visitors coming back for more.
Detroit, Michigan

Michigan Theatre

Opulent downtown movie theater now houses cars as an indoor parking garage.
Hell, Michigan

Hell, Michigan

Hell on Earth is actually a small town in Michigan where anyone can be mayor for a day.
Farmington Hills, Michigan

Marvin's Marvelous Mechanical Museum

Astounding collection of coin-operated games and automata.