zombiestorm24's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Yamanakako, Japan

Lake Yamanaka

The largest of the Fuji Five Lakes is home to an impressive swan population—some real, some with paddles, and one with an observation deck.
Tokyo, Japan

Naki Sumo Baby Crying Contest

For hundreds of years, participants in this Japanese festival have been making babies cry to ward off demons.
Tomigusuku, Japan

Naval Underground Headquarters

Elaborate series of tunnels where traces of mass suicide are still visible.
Kinokawa, Japan

Kishi Station

A calico cat named Tama was the wildly popular Super Station Master at this train stop in southeast Japan.
Takasaki, Japan

Shorinzan Darumaji Temple

Each year this Japanese temple overflows with scowling, bearded good luck talismans.
Yamagata, Japan

Yamadera Temple Complex

The Buddhist temples of Yamadera, built into a mountain side, feature a viewing deck with sweeping views.
Karuizawa, Japan

Karuizawa Picture Book Forest Museum

Children's literature inside, forest all around.
Takayama, Japan

Forest of Seven Lucky Gods

The divine septet of Japanese fortune gods are rendered in 1,000 year old wood at this peaceful site.
Tosashimizu, Japan

Ashizuri Underwater Observation Tower

This retro underwater observation tower would make the perfect lair for a sea-loving villain.
Tottori-shi, Japan

The Sand Museum

Giant sand sculptures of famous people and places are on display near the Tottori sand dunes.
Taketomi, Japan

The Star Sands of Hoshizuna-no-hama

White beach sands made of the remains of tiny, star shaped creatures.
Niigata, Japan

Wara Art

Giant animal sculptures are created with the rice straw leftover from the fall harvest each year.
Tokyo, Japan

Lucky Dragon and Atomic Tuna Memorial

Oddly touching memorial to a little-remembered nuclear tragedy.
Odawara, Japan

The Hydrangea Train

Coast along one of Japan’s mountain railways for coveted views of magnificent hydrangeas.
Kuwana-shi, Japan

Nabana No Sato

These Japanese gardens are blankets of light for dark winter nights.
Iga, Japan

Iga Ryu Ninja Museum

Be a ninja - or just act like one.
Ikeda, Japan

Momofuku Ando Instant Ramen Museum

An unlikely hit, this museum is dedicated to the inventor of instant ramen and cup noodles.
Suita-shi, Japan

Tower of the Sun

Closed for decades, this strange symbol of Japan's Expo '70 has finally opened its psychedelic insides to the public.
Otsuchi, Japan

Wind Telephone

A disconnected rotary phone for "calling" lost loved ones offered a unique way of dealing with grief in disaster-stricken Japan.
Sasebo, Japan

Huis Ten Bosch

Historical Japanese-Dutch relations are honored with haunted rides and flower fields in this replica town.
Ōshima Island, Japan

Mount Mihara

This active volcano's siren song to suicide jumpers forced authorities to build a fence.
Ōmihachiman-shi, Japan

Okishima Island

A Japanese cat island also populated by the descendants of a band of banished samurai.
Kawasaki, Japan

Kanamara Matsuri Festival

A rare festival blending religion, blacksmiths, vagina dentata, sex workers, and the straight-up facts of life.
Nagakute-shi, Japan

Satsuki and Mei's House

A real-life replica of a home from Hayao Miyazaki's beloved movie "My Neighbor Totoro."