The world is a pretty magical place, but sometimes it just goes for the gold, as when a videographer recently captured video of a group of wild horses frolicking under a rainbow on the shore.

Like a Lisa Frank binder come to life, the scene looks like it had to have been staged or altered to create a tableau right out of a middle school daydream, but according to the uploader, everything is as it seems. The video, uploaded in mid-July by a North Carolina tourism center, shows a handful of horses on the shore of the state’s Corolla Beach, intermingling, rolling around, and generally seeming to relax, right under the arch of a bright rainbow handing over the sea. Simple and perfect.

There is little context to the video, but then again, it doesn’t really need any. Sometimes a group of wild horses playing beneath a rainbow with literally unbridled glee is enough to remind you that the world can be a wondrous place.