Kingshill Miners Memorial
Allanton, Scotland
A striking statue commemorates the men who worked underground in Kingshill and Allanton.
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Unveiled in 2017 by former mineworkers David Armitt and Willie Martin, this memorial is dedicated to the men who lost their lives in the mines of Allanton and Kingshill. It was sculpted by John McKenna.
The first mine in Kingshill opened in 1919, followed by another in 1952. Both were owned by the Coltness Iron Company. Miners traveled from all over the central belt to work in the coal mines of Allanton and Kingshill. As the mining industry declined, these mines were closed in the late 1960s and early 70s. Following a campaign by residents, this memorial was erected honoring the men who died working in the dark and dangerous mines.
Know Before You Go
The miners memorial stands by the side of a main road which can get busy at times.
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