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Nardò, Italy

Monteruga Ghost Town

A fascist-era rural village abandoned since the early 1980s.
Fontanellato, Italy

The Labirinto della Masone

The world's largest bamboo labyrinth is a living demonstration of the plant’s immense potential.
Brescia, Italy

Bonomini Tomb

Legend says the only thing buried within this magnificent tomb was a dog.
Modena, Italy

Modena Synagogue

This beautiful 150-year-old synagogue survived Italy's fascist period and the Second World War.
Ravenna, Italy

Mausoleum of Galla Placidia

An incredible mosaic-lined monument said to have held the remains of an ancient Roman empress.
Ravenna, Italy

Baptistery of Neon

Psychoanalyst Carl Jung reported a paranormal experience after visiting this mosaic-lined Roman baptistry.
Ravenna, Italy

Arian Baptistry

A medieval, mosaic-lined baptistry built by a heretical Christian sect.
Stelvio, Italy

Stelvio Pass

One of the highest mountain passes in Europe has been ranked among the best driving roads in the world.
Rivodutri, Italy

Saint Francis's Beech Tree

Legend said this huge, gnarled tree sheltered the saint during a storm.
Varenna, Italy

Varenna Cemetery

An unusual resting place built into the hill with an amazing view of Lake Como.
Caprarola, Italy

Villa Farnese

A lavish 16th-century mansion filled with spectacular staircases, fantastic frescoes, and gorgeous gardens.
Arezzo, Italy

Theatrum Mundi

This 21st century cabinet of curiosities includes dinosaur bones, moon rocks, film memorabilia, and more.
Naples, Italy

Church of Santa Luciella ai Librai

An unusual "skull with ears" sits in the crypt of this small church tucked away at the end of a narrow alley.
Bominaco, Italy

Oratory of San Pellegrino

This medieval oratory decorated in magnificent frescos was constructed after Charlemagne received a vision.
Roccascalegna, Italy

Castle of Roccascalegna

This precariously perched fortress was once ruled by a crow-worshipping baron.
Milan, Italy

La Vigna di Leonardo (Leonardo’s Vineyard)

Just across from the "Last Supper" painting is the famous painter's vineyard, a gift received for creating the masterpiece.
Padua, Italy

Tempio della Pace (Temple of Peace)

The people of Padua pledged to construct this church if the city was spared from destruction during World War I.
Sirmione, Italy

Grotte di Catullo (Grottoes of Catullus)

On the shores of Lake Garda, the ruins of a Roman villa that allegedly belonged to the poet Catullus.
Parma, Italy

Cattedrale di Parma (Parma Cathedral)

The city of Parma's cathedral is home to one of the greatest illusionistic frescoes of the Renaissance.
Anagni, Italy

Cripta di San Magno

The “Sistine Chapel” of the Middle Ages merges 11th-century science and religion in wondrous hues.
Bussi Sul Tirino, Italy

Church of Santa Maria di Cartignano

The ruins of this once gorgeous medieval church are still standing, despite the region's constant flooding.
San Severino, Italy

San Severino di Centola

This medieval hilltop village was abandoned at the end of the 19th century, after existing for more than 500 years.
Castel Sant'Elia, Italy

Basilica di Sant'Elia

Magnificent frescoes decorate the interior of this Romanesque church, which also showcases an unusual phenomenon during winter solstice.
Maddaloni, Italy

Ponti della Valle di Maddaloni

A massive bridge forms part of an aqueduct that was deemed an architectural wonder of its time.