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Fort Belvoir, Virginia

Remagan Bridge

A piece of the Ludendorff Bridge, also known as Remagan Bridge, calls this military base home.
Fort Belvoir, Virginia

Treasury Building Column Section

One of the Treasury Building's original columns now sits as a garden monument in the middle of a busy military base.
Alexandria, Virginia

Civil War Graffiti at Washington's Tomb

The tomb was guarded by soldiers from both sides of the war, and some left their initials carved in the brick.
Accokeek, Maryland

Marshall Hall

The ruins of an 18th-century mansion that was once named "Mistake" by the man who had it built.
Jelgava, Latvia

Jelgava Palace

This ducal residence was once home to a future Russian empress and a French king in exile.
Seoul, South Korea


The site of the last royal wedding in Korea.
Tallinn, Estonia

Kadriorg Palace

A spectacular Petrine Baroque summer palace commissioned for Catherine I by Peter the Great.
Istanbul, Turkey

Beylerbeyi Palace

This former Imperial summer home was the venue for a royal slap that once echoed 'round the world.
Madrid, Spain

Air Crash

A whimsical brother of the nearby Fallen Angel statue takes the falling part quite literally.
Madrid, Spain

Caños del Peral Archaeological Museum

This small museum tucked within a subway station holds pieces from Madrid's past.
Madrid, Spain

The Royal Quartet

A rare set of strings by famed instrument maker Antonio Stradivarius is on display in the Royal Palace.
Madrid, Spain

The Tower of the Bones

Part of the medieval watchtower is displayed in an otherwise ordinary parking garage.
Madrid, Spain

Royal Palace of Madrid Statues

After the queen of Spain had a dream where these statues fell and crushed her, they were removed from the palace and given new homes around Madrid.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Royal Danish Naval Museum

A museum filled with tiny, adorable versions of the mighty Royal Danish Navy.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Fox Hotel in Copenhagen

Hotel designed by indie graphics artists.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Stærekassen Passageway Mosaic

One of Scandinavia's largest mosaics pays tribute to Danish art and science luminaries.
Copenhagen, Denmark

'Trold, der vejrer kristenblod' ('Troll, which Sniffs Out Christian Blood')

Positioned outside a church, this sinister folkloric figure incited protests in both 1902 and 2002.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Viksø Helmets

Discovered in a peat bog, these horned helms come from a thousand years before the Viking Age.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Bolsjefabrikken (The Candy Factory)

A former smithy turned cultural hub with the capital's largest mural space.
Copenhagen, Denmark

'Tisseren' ('The Pee-er')

An unconventional and naturalistic sculpture depicting the artist marking his territory on an exterior faculty wall.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Heisenberg's Bathtub

Did he come up with a theory of cosmic-ray showers while sitting in this bath?
Copenhagen, Denmark

Ørsted's House

The house where a Danish physicist discovered the connection between electricity and magnetism.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Jorck's Passage

Site of the first radio and telephone broadcasting companies in Copenhagen.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Niels Bohr's Grave

The final resting place of one of the brightest physicists of the 20th century.