nptesta16's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Oakland, California

Kaiser Quarry Ruins

An abandoned car and strange wooden debris are among the scattered remains of the old sand and gravel quarry.
Oakland, California

Mazzariello Labyrinth

Spiral labyrinth hidden in the hills above Oakland, CA.
Belvedere Tiburon, California

Lyford's Tower

Once the gateway to the utopian dream-village of a Civil War embalmer.
Richmond, California

Richmond Shipyards

Where a staggering 747 ships were constructed during World War II.
Mill Valley, California

Headlands Center for the Arts

Internationally-recognized arts center housed in a century-old former military barracks.
Petaluma, California

Rancho Obi-Wan

The largest Star Wars collection in the world is its own galaxy of collectibles.
Berkeley, California

Berkeley Car House

A celebration of once forgotten materials.
Richmond, California


A porcelain company's former dumping ground, completely covered in pieces of collectible ceramics.
Berkeley, California

Moe's Books

A shape-shifting buy-sell-trade bookstore, born to Beatnik Era spirit.
Berkeley, California

Cafe Ohlone

This restaurant offers the original California cuisine.
Berkeley, California

Thornburg Village

A storybook European village in Berkeley.
Berkeley, California

Aftel Archive of Curious Scents

Nose around a unique collection of more than 300 natural aromas used to craft perfume fragrances.
Berkeley, California

Mark Olivier's Yard Art

One man's prolific, decade-long quest to turn trash into artistic treasure.
Albany, California

The Bone Room

A store that sells all manner of bones, insects, and animal curiosities.
Richmond, California

Nike Missile Radar Site

An abandoned Cold War missile radar site.
Richmond, California

Point Molate

Abandoned landscape once home to "the world's largest winery."
Richmond, California


Once the largest winery in the world, this castle-like building now sits abandoned on the San Pablo/San Francisco Bay shore.
Pacifica, California

Ohlone - Portolá Heritage Site

A rough granite monument marks the spot where Europeans first caught sight of the San Francisco Bay.
Pacifica, California

McCloskey Castle

Abortion, prohibition, religion, war, and fear all play a part in the history of this idiosyncratic Pacifica castle.
Hillsborough, California

The Flintstone House

A burnt orange monolithic dome structure perched on a hillside near Interstate 280.
Daly City, California

Colma Necropolis

A vast city of the dead, where the deceased outnumber the living by more than a million.
San Francisco, California

Bohemian Club

Longtime headquarters of controversial boys' club for the world's wealthiest and most powerful.
San Francisco, California

The Head of The Goddess of Progress

This giant head is all that remains of a once proud statue that survived an earthquake but not a fall off of a wagon.
San Francisco, California

Birthplace of Isadora Duncan

Home of modern dancer famously strangled by her own scarf.