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Klamath County, Oregon

Japanese Balloon Bomb Memorial

The victims of a free-floating Japanese bombing during WWII are remembered by this stone monument.
Klamath Falls, Oregon

Old Fort Road Gravity Hill

This strange hill on Old Fort Road where gravity works in reverse has been fascinating locals for years.
Klamath Falls, Oregon

Baldwin Hotel Museum

This hotel has hardly changed in over a century, like a time capsule of old Oregon.
Jacksonville, Oregon

The Bigfoot Trap

Sasqu(w)atch out!
Gold Beach, Oregon

The Wreck of the Mary D. Hume

This historic steamboat is scuttled just a few hundred feet from where it was built over a hundred years ago.
Bandon, Oregon

Face Rock

According to legend, this rock represents a young girl trapped by an evil ocean spirit.
Florence, Oregon

Exploding Whale Memorial Park

Fifty years after a “blast blasted blubber beyond all believable bounds,” this idyllic natural area commemorates the carnage.
Florence, Oregon

Darlingtonia State Natural Site

The park preserves a single, rare species of carnivorous plant that spells doom for unsuspecting insects.
Yachats, Oregon

Thor's Well

On the Oregon coast there is a natural hole that seems to be draining the sea.
Yachats, Oregon

Bazalgette the Whale

There's something big lurking beneath the surface of this tiny Oregon park.
Neskowin, Oregon

Neskowin Ghost Forest

The eerie remnants of an ancient forest were hidden under the sand for centuries.
South Bend, Washington

The World’s Largest Oyster

A giant sculpture dedicated to a staple of South Bend food culture.
Tillamook, Oregon

2nd Street Coffee House

Stepping inside this coffee shop is a journey through time.
Tillamook, Oregon

Tillamook Creamery

This unassuming cheese empire in rural Oregon churns out more than 150,000 pounds of cheese each day.
Long Beach, Washington

Washington's Largest Frying Pan

This super-sized skillet is a replica of a usable giant pan where a woman once skated on bacon.
Long Beach, Washington

Marsh's Free Museum

Home of Jake the Alligator Man, the mummified remains of a cigar smoking, cross-dressing celebrity of the Northwestern coast.
Seaside, Oregon

Tillamook Rock Lighthouse Columbarium

Where Nor'easters go to die.
Government Camp, Oregon

Timberline Lodge

You might know it as the Overlook Hotel, but the inside is not going to be familiar.
Warrenton, Oregon

The Wreck of the Peter Iredale

100-year-old shipwreck you can walk up to at low tide.
Astoria, Oregon

Shallon Winery

This solo operation offers the world's only whey wines in flavors such as chocolate-orange.
Astoria, Oregon

Museum of Whimsy

A delightfully quirky blend of oddities spread throughout an old 1920s bank.
Astoria, Oregon

Goonie Trails

The lush coastal city of Astoria is riddled with forgotten secret sidewalks.
Astoria, Oregon

Hillside Cemetery

This graveyard is the eternal home of many brave pioneers who settled the Great Northwest.
Astoria, Oregon

The Astoria Column

A Roman-style column in Oregon hides a spiral staircase inside.