jeep8790's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Tallahassee, Florida

Sod Cemetery

An unusual college football tradition involves burying pieces of sod from competitors' turf, replete with tiny coffins and headstones.
Robbinsville, North Carolina

Cheoah Dam

A historic dam made famous for its turbines and feature in a Hollywood classic.
Sanford, North Carolina

Endor Iron Furnace

Ruins of an American Civil War iron forge still survive today.
Waxhaw, North Carolina

The Museum of the Alphabet

Trace the history of writing at this unusual North Carolina destination.
Taylors, South Carolina

Model Trains Station

This delightful attraction features over a dozen miniature train layouts which you can operate and interact with.
Townville, South Carolina

Cemetery Island

A 1960s damming project turned one family’s hilltop cemetery into an island.
Charleston, South Carolina

Drayton Hall

Oldest unrestored plantation house in America that is open to the public.
Homewood, Alabama

Alabama Booksmith

Every last book in this bookstore is signed by the author.
Phil Campbell, Alabama

Dismals Canyon

Famous for its bio-luminescent inhabitants, known as "dismalites."
Atlanta, Georgia

Switchyards Ping Pong Stadium

The only subterranean ping pong table in Atlanta.