lemonjeremy's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Budapest, Hungary

‘Kiskirálylány’ (‘Little Princess’)

A diminutive statue that was inspired by the sculptor's own daughter.
Budapest, Hungary

Michael Jackson Memorial Tree

A random tree outside a Budapest hotel has become a DIY shrine to the late singer.
Budapest, Hungary

Righteous Among the Nations Memorial

A plaque bearing the names of those who dedicated themselves to protecting Budapest's Jewish population during World War II.
Budapest, Hungary

Holocaust Tree of Life Memorial

The metal leaves on this tree are engraved with the names of Holocaust victims.
Budapest, Hungary

Columbo Statue

Uh, pardon me, ma'am, but I couldn't help noticing that there's a Columbo statue in the middle of Budapest.
Budapest, Hungary

Carl Lutz Memorial

This sculpture honors the man who was known as the "Righteous Among the Nations."
Budapest, Hungary

Adria Palace

This building has survived for more than a century and remains virtually untouched.
Budapest, Hungary

Mihály Kolodko's Mini Statues

From cartoon characters to tiny tanks, a guerilla sculptor's little bronze statues are hidden throughout the city of Budapest.
Budapest, Hungary

Micro Wonder Museum

A collection of intricate sculptures so small they have to be seen through a microscope.
Belgrade, Serbia

Raša Popov Monument

This statue of the famed author, actor, and journalist is made entirely of screw-nuts.
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Sarajevo Spite House

Inat Kuća, or "House of Spite," is more than just an oddly named restaurant.
Dera, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Kozara Memorial Monument

This brutalist monument is inscribed with 9921 names of Yugoslav partisans who perished during WWII.
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Museum of the Assassination of Franz Ferdinand

The place where World War I began.


This small Slovenian town has become a magnet for microbreweries.
Ljubljana, Slovenia

Slovenian Railway Museum

This former railway facility is the oldest in Slovenia, and now houses a museum showcasing the history of steam locomotives.
Ljubljana, Slovenia

Ljubljana Mosque

Slovenia's first mosque is a striking mix of Islamic and modernist architecture.
Trieste, Italy

Faro della Vittoria (Victory Lighthouse)

One of the tallest lighthouses in the world also serves as a monument to the fallen of World War I.
Borgo Grotta Gigante, Italy

Grotta Gigante

One of the largest caves in the world open to the public.
Zadar, Croatia

Sea Organ

A musical instrument played by the sea.
Split, Croatia


A wonderfully strange collection of 500+ stuffed frogs doing people things.