cecilitw's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Bletchley, England

National Museum of Computing

Museum celebrating the history of computers, especially their role in codebreaking.
London, England

Walthamstow Market

Though it's not the largest, this one-kilometer outdoor market is reportedly the longest in Europe.
Bath, England

Beazer Garden Maze

Created by one of England's most prolific labyrinth designers, inspired by Bath city history.
Cambridge, England

The Eagle

The Cambridge pub where Francis Crick announced that he and James Watson had discovered the DNA double-helix.
Cambridge, England

Whipple Museum of the History of Science

A treasure trove of astronomical, mathematical, and scientific instruments at Cambridge University.
Milton Keynes, England

Bletchley Park

Home to Alan Turing, the cracking of the Enigma code, and Captain Ridley's shooting party.
Beaconsfield, England

Bekonscot Model Village

The world's oldest model village.
Oxford, England

Alice's Shop

The shop where the girl who inspired the beloved character once bought sweets is now a book-themed commercial curiosity.
Biddulph, England

Biddulph Grange

This fantastical and eclectic English garden takes its inspiration from Egypt, China, the occult and more.
Aberystwyth, Wales

Constitution Hill

A 19th-century funicular railway shuttles visitors up this surprising sea cliff to one of the world's largest camera obscuras.
Stoke-on-Trent, England

Trentham Monkey Forest

An open air haven for tropical monkeys in the damp moors of the English country.
Downe, England

Down House

The Origin of On the Origin of Species.
Cambridge, England

Corpus Clock & Chronophage

Numberless clock creates a meal of time for the dreaded, insectile Chronophage.
London, England

Quantum Cloud

Sculptor Antony Gormley used chaos theory and fractal growth to design his tallest creation.
Suffolk, England

Principality of Sealand

A 550-square-meter micro-nation off the coast of Britain.
London, England

Tomb Of Hannah Courtoy

According to legend, this tomb holds the secrets to time travel.
Buxton, England

Chee Dale Stepping Stones

These unique stepping stones hug a river's edge to take hikers on a journey through a limestone gorge.
Cambridge, England

Mathematical Bridge

Local legend says Isaac Newton built this footbridge without any screws, bolts, or nails.
Castlewellan, Northern Ireland

Peace Maze of Northern Ireland

A peace symbol in Northern Ireland is among the world's largest hedge mazes.
Cerne Abbas, England

The Cerne Abbas Giant

Giant naked man on a hillside.
Ely, England

Octagon Tower

A remarkable medieval structure born from a 14th-century disaster.
York, England

The York Ghost Merchants

Makers and sellers of the original and finest York Ghosts.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Alien Rock

This repurposed church offers a more literal way to get closer to the heavens.
Devon, England

Burgh Island

Take a sea tractor to the Art Deco hotel on the island that inspired Agatha Christie.