nt6jvjzkpw's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Long Beach, California
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Los Angeles, California

Sunken City

Remants of foundations, streets, and streetcar tracks inhabit the cliffs where a landslide occurred in 1929.
Silverado, California

Black Star Canyon

The site of murders and Satanic cult gatherings.
Costa Mesa, California

California Scenario

A small sculpture garden that provides a microcosmic representation of California.
Tustin, California

Tustin Blimp Hangar #2

This enormous World War II relic is one of the largest wooden structures in the world.
Arcadia, California

Denny's Windmill

A relic from a forgotten bakery chain still spins atop a diner.
Anaheim, California

Disneyland's Club 33

The hidden jewel of Disneyland: a members only playground for the Disney elite.
Anaheim, California

Petrified Tree

The oldest attraction in Disneyland is a prehistoric stump that Walt may have bought for his wife.
Long Beach, California

Looff's Lite-A-Line

The creator of the carousel's bingo-pinball hybrid survives in California's oldest gaming establishment.
San Juan Capistrano, California

Mission San Juan Capistrano

Oldest building in California still in use.
Long Beach, California

RMS Queen Mary

The awe-inspiring ship from the golden era of cruising has an incomparable history and a reputation as one of the world’s most haunted places.
Long Beach, California

Astronaut Islands

These four islands right offshore have waterfalls, colorful lights, fancy buildings, and a secret purpose.
Long Beach, California

The Skinniest House in America

The 10-foot-wide Long Beach home was built on a dare.