grbutler00's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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New York, New York

Roosevelt Island Smallpox Hospital Ruins

A crumbling hospital from the 1850s on Roosevelt Island.
Providence, Rhode Island

'Untitled (Lamp/Bear)'

This blue behemoth of a bear is a colorful homage to Brown University's mascot.
Woonsocket, Rhode Island

Precious Blood Cemetery

This cemetery is home to numerous granite headstones that are works of art unto themselves.
Cambridge, Massachusetts

Kennedy Biscuit Lofts

Whimsical cookie-themed plaques mark the birthplace of the Fig Newton.
Worcester, Massachusetts

Lois Lane

A comic book store got the road by its shop officially renamed after Superman's girlfriend.
Charlemont, Massachusetts

'Hail to the Sunrise'

A monument to the Mohawk people stands along an old Native American trade route.
Ware, Massachusetts

Quabbin Reservoir

The largest body of water in Massachusetts annihilated four small towns just to slake Boston's thirst.
Hull, Massachusetts

Classic WWII Chapel

Last church of this militaristic WWII style.
Lee, Massachusetts

Retro Pop Shop

Journey through vintage Americana inside this small Massachusetts shop.
Boston, Massachusetts

Logan Airport 9/11 Memorial

This small glass cube is a peaceful out-of-the-way sanctuary at the busy airport.
Sandwich, Massachusetts

Sandwich Glass Museum

This delicate museum is devoted to the art and industry that once supported Cape Cod's oldest town.
Leominster, Massachusetts

Birthplace of Johnny Appleseed

The proud hometown of an American legend has honored their favorite son with what seems to be a gravestone.
Quincy, Massachusetts

First Dunkin' Donuts

This small shop walked so America could run on Dunkin'.
Aquinnah, Massachusetts

Aquinnah Cliffs

Colorful clay cliffs tower over an unofficial nudist beach on Martha's Vineyard.
Lowell, Massachusetts

Bette Davis House

The birth home of one of cinema's legendary actresses.
Lowell, Massachusetts

Jack Kerouac's Grave

According to legend, Bob Dylan sneaks in twice a year to eat dinner with Jack.
Boston, Massachusetts

Boston Tea Kettle

This massive tea kettle was once a promotional stunt for the Oriental Teashop.
Goshen, Massachusetts

Three Sisters Sanctuary

A stunning garden filled with fantastical environmental folk art and sculptures.
Boston, Massachusetts

Madonna, Queen of the Universe

This giant Boston statue of Mary is standing on a globe to show her power over the universe.
Medford, Massachusetts

Black Dahlia Memorial

Massachusetts memorial to murder victim Elizabeth Short near the spot where she was born.
Springfield, Massachusetts

The Titanic Museum

Home to the Titanic Historical Society's collection.
Newbury, Massachusetts

Plum Island Pink House

This picturesque abandoned home is rumored to be a spite house.
Boston, Massachusetts

Hood Milk Bottle

Ice cream stand, snack bar, and time capsule of milk conveyance.
Webster, Massachusetts

Lake Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg

It's not a typo, now say it five times fast!