hylafyffe's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Nye County, Nevada

Atomic Survival Town

A picture-perfect town, perfect for blowing up.
Baker, Nevada

The Bristlecone Pines of the Great Basin

The longest living non-clonal organisms on Earth.
Goodsprings, Nevada

Pioneer Saloon

The wild west is still alive and well at this authentic mining town watering hole.
Alamo, Nevada

Little A'Le'Inn

An eatery for UFO seekers on the Extraterrestrial Highway.
Groom Lake, Nevada

Area 51

In the middle of an extremely unforgiving and desolate high desert is the most secret military facility in the world.
Gerlach, Nevada

Fly Geyser

A collision of human error and natural geothermal pressure created this rainbow-colored geologic wonder.
Las Vegas, Nevada

Lonnie Hammargren's House

This former lieutenant governor's home is brimming with curiosities.
Las Vegas, Nevada

Johnston's J-Bar-B Stables

A private Las Vegas horse ranch adorned with whimsical artwork.
Las Vegas, Nevada

The Big Edge

A giant open-air sculpture made of over 200 full-sized boats.
Las Vegas, Nevada

Atomic Liquors

Back in 1952, you could get a mushroom cloud chaser with your atomic cocktail.
Las Vegas, Nevada

Zak Bagans Haunted Museum

A collection of haunted objects and macabre oddities under one roof.
Las Vegas, Nevada

Burlesque Hall of Fame

This institution collects the history of burlesque dancing with a titillating collection of ephemera and pasties.
Las Vegas, Nevada

Frankie's Tiki Room

The best Tiki bar in Las Vegas.
Las Vegas, Nevada

Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area

Dyed by iron oxide over centuries, these sandstone rocks rise thousands of feet into the sky.
Las Vegas, Nevada

Atomic Museum

Stepping away from the glitz of mobsters and casinos to learn about the other history of Vegas.
Columbus, Ohio

Columbus Park of Roses

An unassuming 13-acre park is home to over 12,000 roses.