christinebcotter's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Jacksonville, Florida

Jacksonville Interchange Spiral

Must form and function forever remain at odds? Not if the Florida Department of Transportation has its way.
Binz, Germany

Treetop Tower of Rügen

A long spiraling walkway winds through the woods, and around a copper beech tree at the center.
Caprarola, Italy

Villa Farnese

A lavish 16th-century mansion filled with spectacular staircases, fantastic frescoes, and gorgeous gardens.
Siena, Italy

St. Catherine of Siena's Severed Head

A dismembered holy head stares out from her beautiful reliquary at the St. Dominic Basilica.
Florence, Italy

Galileo's Middle Finger

The middle finger of modernity.
New York, New York

'The Sphere'

This sculpture by artist Fritz Keonig survived the 9/11 attacks and now stands as a monument to the victims.
Boston, Massachusetts

Logan Airport 9/11 Memorial

This small glass cube is a peaceful out-of-the-way sanctuary at the busy airport.
Trassenheide, Germany

Upside-Down House of Trassenheide

The first (but not only) upside-down house in Germany.
Weatherly, Pennsylvania

Eckley Miners' Village

This eerily well-preserved coal town was saved from destruction by a Sean Connery movie.
São Miguel, Portugal

Hotel Monte Palace

This abandoned five-star hotel is now a five-star urban exploration destination.
Malinska, Croatia

Abandoned Haludovo Palace Hotel

This truly palatial work of Communist-era architecture now sits crumbling on a Croatian beach.
Cadillac, Michigan

Old Indian Trail

A series of 33 stone markers maps an ancient 55-mile transportation route.
Nikko, Japan

Kanmangafuchi Abyss

A remarkable lava formation encloses a line of Buddhist statues that can't be accurately counted, according to local mythology.
Helotes, Texas

Dinosaur Tracks at Government Canyon

Over 100 million years ago, beach-bound dinosaurs left permanent marks on San Antonio's landscape.
Middlefield, Connecticut

Powder Hill Dinosaur Park

This petite park lets visitors see and touch examples of fossilized dinosaur tracks.
Niagara Falls, Ontario

Nathaniel Dett Memorial Chapel

This 1836 church, constructed by formerly enslaved people, honors a leader in Afrocentric music.
Vienna, Austria

Neidhart Frescoes

A glimpse into the festive and private lives of medieval Europe.
Cambridge, Massachusetts

Harvard Divinity School Labyrinth

This hidden labyrinth offers walkers some brief peace of mind.
New York, New York

Norwegian Seamen's Church

Come for the waffles, stay for more waffles.
Hudson, New Hampshire

Benson's Park

A former zoo turned public park, where visitors can hang out in the old animal cages.
Seattle, Washington

Fremont Troll

A giant Troll lurks under one of Seattle's oldest bridges.
Berkeley, California

Cesar Chavez Park

A 90-acre park on former landfill that hosts an annual kite festival.
New York, New York

The Gardens at St. Luke in the Fields

A quiet and contemplative oasis in the middle of New York's bustle and riot.
San Lawrenz, Malta

The Inland Sea

The fishing boats that moor in this small lagoon enter and leave through a tunnel to the sea.