acat774's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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San Francisco, California

The Pirate Supply Store at 826 Valencia

An essential stop before plundering, BYO Cutlass.
Los Angeles, California

The Museum of Death

World's largest collection of serial killer artwork and other macabre exhibits.
San Francisco, California

Secret Tiled Staircase

An artsy hidden staircase leads to breathtaking views of San Francisco.
Jersey City, New Jersey

White Mana Diner

This unassuming retro burger joint was billed as “diner of the future” at the 1939 World's Fair.
Paris, France

Musee de la Magie

A museum of magic with a Sadist past.
Paris, France

Rue Crémieux

This charming cobbled backstreet is the most Instagramable street in Paris, much to the residents' annoyance.
Paris, France

I Love You Wall

Paris' linguistic guide to the international language of, yes, love.
Paris, France

Museum of Vampires

The macabre collection of Jacques Sirgent, an expert scholar on the undead and all of their trappings.
Los Angeles, California

Muscle Beach

An historic and oft-filmed spot for musclebound iron pumpers on the Pacific coast.
Los Angeles, California

Jim Morrison Mural

Legendary frontman of the Doors looms in this giant mural by famed Venice muralist, Rip Cronk.
Los Angeles, California

Miniature Garden of Whimsy

A quirky collection of figurines backdropped by city views is hidden next to a popular restaurant in the Hollywood hills.
Los Angeles, California

St. Vincent Court

A faux European lane smack dab in downtown L.A.
Sorrento, Italy

Valle dei Mulini (Valley of the Mills)

An Italian crevasse filled with abandoned buildings gives visitors a look at the world without humans.
New York, New York

United Palace Theatre

One of the last Jazz Age "Wonder Theaters" in New York City.
New York, New York

Alice in Wonderland Statue

This whimsical group of statues is a favorite of children who love to climb all over Lewis Carroll's beloved characters.
New York, New York

MoMath - The Museum of Mathematics

A Pythagorean funhouse that tries, successfully, to prove that math is the coolest thing ever.
New York, New York

Tannen's Magic Shop

New York's oldest magic store.
New York, New York

The Elevated Acre

Amid the bustle and noise of the Financial District hides a secluded garden oasis above the city streets.
New York, New York

The Evolution Store

A terrific purveyor of natural history objects and curios.
Naucalpan, Mexico

Nautilus House

This fantastical house shaped like a seashell brings aquatic design to architecture.
San Francisco, California

Church of 8 Wheels

This 19th-century church is now a popular roller rink.
San Francisco, California

Letterform Archive

A library and museum dedicated to typography.
San Francisco, California

Dangling Legs at the Piedmont Boutique

The giant pair of sexy legs sticking out the window of this costume store have become its main draw.
San Francisco, California

Beat Museum

A collection of memorabilia from the Beat era in the back of a San Francisco bookstore.