adventurousfriend's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Winters, California
Places visited in Aptos, California
Places edited in Winters, California
Places edited in Williams, Arizona
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Berkeley, California

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Where the alchemists dream of transmuting base metal into gold was actually achieved.
San Francisco, California

Monarch the Bear

The taxidermied remains of the "last wild grizzly bear in California" and of the symbol of the state of California.
Fremont, California

Berkeley Mystery Walls

Neither Spanish settlers nor anyone since has been able to tell who built these strange California rock walls.
San Francisco, California

The Parrots of Telegraph Hill

Staircase winds down the side of Telegraph Hill through gardens, wild parrots flying overhead.
Los Angeles, California

Pink's Hot Dogs

World-famous, Pink's still manages to keep its prized cult fetish status.
San Francisco, California

Garden of Fragrance

Olfactory delights in San Francisco's Botanical Gardens.
San Jose, California

Quetzalcóatl Sculpture

It is locally loved and ridiculed for literally looking like poop.
San Francisco, California

Hills Bros. Coffee Sculpture

A classic advertising icon immortalized in regal bronze.
San Francisco, California

Site of the Niantic

Gold Rush ship-turned-hotel buried underneath San Francisco's financial district.
Seattle, Washington

World Famous Giant Shoe Museum

An old-timey peepshow allows visitors to gawk at some of the world's most freakishly large footwear.
San Francisco, California

Golden Gate Park Model Yacht Club

Home to one of the world’s largest collections of model yachts.
Los Angeles, California

Muscle Beach

An historic and oft-filmed spot for musclebound iron pumpers on the Pacific coast.
San Francisco, California

Stern of the Niantic

The only visible piece of San Francisco's most famous shipwreck.
San Jose, California

Olympic Black Power Statue

A statue commemorate Tommie Smith and John Carlos's brave protest at the 1968 Olympics, a watershed moment for civil rights.
Avery Island, Louisiana

Tabasco Museum and Factory

For 150 years one family has been producing the iconic hot sauce on a bayou island made of salt.
Chicago, Illinois

Aircraft Carriers of Navy Pier

Chicago's Navy Pier on Lake Michigan was a training hub for aircraft carrier pilots during WWII.
Chicago, Illinois

Great Train Story Diorama

This $3 million model train takes you through Chicago, Seattle, and the thousands of miles in between.
Chicago, Illinois

The World's Columbian Exhibition of 1893

What's left of the ruins of the 1893 Columbian Exhibition, or World's Fair, also known as the White City.
Santa Clara, California

Shrine of Our Lady of Peace

One of the largest Marian shrines on the West Coast stands rather unexpectedly in Silicon Valley.
Sutter, California

Sutter Buttes

Rising out of miles of farmland, these buttes are sometimes called the world's smallest mountain range.
Sunnyvale, California

Libby's Water Tower

A giant can of fruit cocktail is all that remains of what was once the world's largest cannery.
Sonora, California

Mark Twain's Cabin

Where the writer penned his famous story about a jumping frog.
San Francisco, California

Pier 22½ & the SFFD Fire Boats

Prone to disastrous fires, the city of San Francisco has the Guardian, a fireboat gifted by residents, to watch over them from the bay.
San Francisco, California

Mile Rocks Light

A modest reminder of treacherous waters at the Golden Gate.