aggadothings's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Saint Monans, Scotland

Wellie Garden of St Monans

Some cheeky plantings brighten an old slipway on Scotland's Firth of Forth.
Halifax, England

Warley Museum

Probably the smallest museum in the world, housed in a disused phone booth.
Marton-in-Cleveland, England

Captain Cook Birthplace Museum

Sidney Scurvy, the interactive computer sailor, takes you on a journey to discover the everyday lives of Cook and his men.
Derbyshire, England

Crich Stand

This poignant WWI memorial looks like a lighthouse 100 miles from the sea.
Edinburgh, Scotland

‘A Canine Connection’

This sculpture commemorates Edinburgh's sister city and their respective celebrity dogs.
Clovelly, England

The Sledges of Clovelly

Wooden sleds have replaced donkeys to cart goods around this utterly charming car-free village.
Tanworth in Arden, England

Nick Drake's Grave

The gravestone of a delicate singer-songwriter bears a fittingly introspective epitaph.
Borrowdale, England

The Bowder Stone

A 2,000-ton rock resting in a state of a delicate balance.
Lynford, England

Grime's Graves

A strange and ancient landscape hides the dark, cavernous remains of a 5,000-year-old flint mine.
Wakefield, England

Sandal Castle

Though much of the castle was robbed of its stones, the underlying earthworks are among the best-preserved in England.
Bo’ness, Scotland

Hippodrome Cinema

This vintage gem is one of the oldest surviving purpose-built movie palaces in Scotland.
Newchurch-in-Pendle, England

The Last Clarion House

At this snack-shack in the bucolic British countryside, you can still get a slice of socialism with your spot of tea.
Albury, England

Silent Pool

This peaceful oasis appears dreamy, but it's also the site of a nightmarish legend.
Wimborne Minster, England

Wimborne Minster Chained Library

The second largest surviving chained library is housed in this 12th century church.
East Riding of Yorkshire, England

Rudston Monolith

Britain's tallest megalith towers over the cemetery of a quiet English village.
Brighton, England

The Daddy Long Legs Seashore Railway

The remnants of a strange stilted building on rails can still be seen at low tide.
Dechmont, Scotland

Bangour Village Hospital

This abandoned hospital village was once viewed as an innovative way to deal with mental illness.
Tattershall, England

Fireplaces of Tattershall Castle

The near loss of the stately fireplaces at this medieval castle spawned some of Britain's most crucial historic preservation laws.
Stilton, England

Stilton Cheese Rolling Championship

Competitors race wooden replicas of pungent blue cheese.
Cheshire East, England

Hack Green Secret Nuclear Bunker

On a site with a long military history, a 1980s shelter.
Nottinghamshire, England

1960s Hyperbolic Paraboloid Gas Station Canopy

One of the earliest large-scale "hyper" roofs in the U.K. is now a derelict roadside attraction.
Pembrey, Wales

Former RAF Pembrey Airfield

This former military airfield's claim to fame came from a lucky accident during the Second World War.
Argyll and Bute, Scotland

Davaar Island Cave Painting

The artwork is tucked within a cave on a tiny Scottish island only accessible at low tide.
Lee-on-the-Solent, England

Hovercraft Museum

A museum in south England celebrates the amphibious vehicles that cruise on a cushion of air.