airforcejanitor's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Chicago, Illinois

Garfield Park Conservatory

A lush green oasis in the middle of Chicago.
Chicago, Illinois

Willis Tower Glass Platform

Four glass boxes hover over 1,000 feet in the air to give visitors an unparalleled view of Chicago.
Chicago, Illinois

Tiffany Dome

This massive stained-glass masterpiece is thought to be the largest Tiffany dome in existence.
Chicago, Illinois

Oz Park

This whimsical Oz-themed park had a wonderful impact on the surrounding neighborhood.
Rapid City, South Dakota

Thunderhead Underground Falls

A waterfall 600 ft. inside a mountain, once the bane of gold miners, is now a spectacle of nature.
Chamberlain, South Dakota

Dignity of Earth and Sky

A striking sculpture built to honor the women of the Lakota and Dakota Nations.
Deadwood, South Dakota

Mt. Moriah Cemetery

A cemetery housing wild west legends in South Dakota.
Keystone, South Dakota

Black Elk Peak

The highest point in South Dakota contains the ashes of Valentine McGillycuudy, the "Holy White Man."
Philip, South Dakota

Giant Prairie Dog

A six-ton, 12-foot-tall concrete prairie dog is touted as the largest in the world.
Rapid City, South Dakota

Depression Era Dinosaur Park

One of America's first dinosaur parks gives a window into Depression-era paleontology.
Rapid City, South Dakota

Art Alley

Thanks to a loophole in property ownership, this alleyway has become a cacophonous street gallery.
Hot Springs, South Dakota

Mammoth Site

This prehistoric sinkhole lured exclusively male mammoths to their death, much to the delight of science.
Keystone, South Dakota

Hall of Records in Mount Rushmore

Hidden behind Lincoln's head is a 70-foot-long chamber containing enamel plates documenting American history, sealed in a teakwood box in a titanium vault.
Midland, South Dakota

Skeleton Man Walking Skeleton Dinosaur

Just a man taking his prehistoric pet for a stroll.
Wall, South Dakota

Wall Drug

The granddaddy of all tourist traps, built on ice water, jackalopes, and a giant dinosaur.
Custer, South Dakota

Crazy Horse Memorial

The world's largest mountain carving could fit all of Mount Rushmore inside it many times over.
Santa Barbara, California

Cold Spring Tavern

Hidden in the Santa Ynez Mountains off Highway 154, this tiny restaurant once served as a stagecoach stop.
Santa Barbara, California

Knapp’s Castle

The ruins of the castle that chemicals built.
Guadalupe, California

Guadalupe-Nipomo Dunes

Coastal dunes, site of buried Egyptian movie set and former utopian colony.
Glenwood Springs, Colorado

Doc Holliday's Grave

Even in death, he's still your huckleberry.
Denver, Colorado

National Ice Core Lab

Where scientists keep miles of very valuable ice from Antarctica and Greenland from melting.
Boulder, Colorado

Boulder Teahouse

This tea house was a hand-built gift from Boulder's sister city in Tajikstan.
Estes Park, Colorado

Baldpate Inn Key Collection

The world's largest key collection features keys to the White House, Frankenstein's castle, and Hitler's bunker.
Red Feather Lakes, Colorado

Gnome Road

A collection of fading fantasy tchotchkes lines this dirt road in the Colorado wilderness.