ajbernard's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Highland, Scotland

Cawdor Castle

The location of this historic castle was inspired by a donkey.
Stonehaven, Scotland

Dunnottar Castle

The ruins of this gorgeous clifftop castle look like something from a fantasy novel.
Dakar, Senegal

Gorée Island

This tiny, tranquil Senegalese island serves as a powerful symbol of the Atlantic slave trade.
Dakar, Senegal

House of Slaves

Despite a fraught and controversial history this African island holds a powerful monument to the tragedy of the slave trade.
Bandiagara, Mali

Bandiagara Escarpment Cliff Dwellings

These homes carved into the mountains seem to defy the laws of nature.
Djenne, Mali

Great Mud Mosque of Djenné

The central mosque of this Mali town is entirely built from mud.
Lome, Togo

Akodessewa Fetish Market

The Voodoo Superstore of the world.
Zanzibar, Tanzania

Zanzibar's Night Market

After sunset the heart of Zanzibar's historic Stone Town neighborhood transforms into a culinary playground.
Democratic Republic of the Congo

Virunga National Park

The most biologically diverse protected area in Africa is also the most dangerous.
Kampala, Uganda

Kasubi Tombs Ruins

The burial ground of four Buganda monarchs was nearly destroyed by a devastating fire.
Lamu, Kenya

Donkeys of Lamu Island

Kenya’s oldest town is more than 700 years old and home to 6,000 donkeys.
Dandarah, Egypt

Dendera Light

Ancient Egyptian relief, claimed to depict an electrical light.
Nagoa Ash Shatb, Egypt

Temple of Kom Ombo

One of its engravings is believed to be among the first representations of medical and surgical instruments.
Aswan, Egypt

Unfinished Obelisk

The largest known Ancient Egyptian obelisk.
Luxor, Egypt

Colossi of Memnon

These Egyptian statues have survived for 3,400 years and were an acoustic wonder of the ancient world.
Nubia, Egypt

The Temple of Abu Simbel

Ozymandias’ time-keeping temple.
Carthage, Tunisia

Tophet at Carthage

An ancient burial ground believed to have been used for ritual sacrifice.
London, England

Speakers' Corner

London's last remaining public soapbox site has seen speeches from Karl Marx, Vladmir Lenin, and George Orwell.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Holyrood Abbey Ruins

Ruined 11th century abbey built by King David I in Edinburgh, Scotland.
Edinburgh, Scotland

William Wallace and Robert the Bruce Statues

Overlooked by many, the two famous Scottish warriors guard the main gate of Edinburgh Castle.
Canterbury, England

The Great Cloister and Chapter House of Canterbury Cathedral

One of England's most famous churches hides a pair of little known architectural treasures.
London, England

Temple Church

An unusual round church in London with a Templar past.

Vallee de Mai Nature Preserve

A British general, a suggestive tree, a map of paradise.
Cotonou, Benin

Ganvie Lake Village

Africa's Venice on stilts.