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Lyon, France

Maison des Canuts (Silk Workers' Center)

Explore the 500-year history of silk-making in Lyon at this museum, workshop, and boutique.
Lyon, France

Loyasse Cemetery

The first modern cemetery of Lyon is complete with more than 200 chapels and monuments.
Lyon, France

Curiosities Garden

This hidden garden boasts amazing views of Lyon.
Lyon, France

Traboules Secret Passages

Hundreds of hidden passageways weave through the old quarters of Lyon.
Lyon, France

'Le Mur des Canuts'

Lyon's "Wall of the Silk Weavers" is one of the largest murals in Europe.
Lyon, France

Ancient Roman Theaters of Lyon

Lyon, France is home to two remarkably preserved Roman theaters, one dating back to 15 BCE.
Lyon, France

The Flower Tree

A colorful piece of contemporary art cheerfully clashes with Lyon's historical architecture.
Baltimore, Maryland

Nipper, the RCA Dog Statue

A monumental statue of RCA's mascot now sits atop a historical society roof after a life of moving around.
Baltimore, Maryland

Mr. Trash Wheel

This bug-eyed water wheel uses the power of the Sun to clean up Baltimore Harbor.
Baltimore, Maryland

Fort Armistead

An eerie, abandoned military base engulfed by nature and graffiti is now home to a local park.
Baltimore, Maryland

Graffiti Alley

A hidden alley in urban Baltimore is a haven for graffiti artists.
Baltimore, Maryland

Papermoon Diner

This beloved Baltimore spot features caged dolls, a giant Pez collection, and many, many mannequins.
Baltimore, Maryland

The American Visionary Art Museum

A museum dedicated to exhibiting remarkable outsider art.
Baltimore, Maryland

Elijah Bond's Ouija Board Grave

The man who first patented the Ouija board rests in peace beneath a headstone that playfully reflects that achievement.
Baltimore, Maryland

The Book Thing

This free, take-a-book shop seems like a trick but isn't.
Baltimore, Maryland


Crammed into a Baltimore row house is an oddities shop that sells everything from skulls to dead insects.
Baltimore, Maryland

George Peabody Library

It's not hard to see why the historic Peabody Conservatory of Music's library has been described as a "cathedral of books."
Vienna, Austria

Boltzmann's Grave

Physicist’s epitaph provides final confirmation to a career of turmoil.