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San Francisco Mazapa, Mexico

Palacio de Tepantitla

This archeological site hidden behind Teotihuacán's pyramids shelters 1600-year-old murals.
Mexico City, Mexico

Temple of Ehecatl-Quetzalcoatl

Underneath the historic center of Mexico City, the remains of a temple dedicated to the Aztec god of the wind.
Chalcatzingo, Mexico


In the Valley of Morelos lies a mysterious Olmec site with signs of jaguar veneration.
Campeche, Mexico

Xmuch'haltún Botanical Garden

The walls of a colonial-era fort encircle a small, tropical assortment of plant life.
Villa de Zaachila, Mexico

Zaachila Ruins

You can explore the halls of tombs in the abandoned former capital of the Zapotecs.
Cuilapam de Guerrero, Mexico

Princess Donají Tomb

This abandoned convent keeps the tomb of a legendary beheaded princess.
San Juan Teotihuacan de Arista, Mexico

Quetzalpapálotl Palace

Dating back to the second century, vestiges of prehispanic mural paintings are found in this underground palace.
Dolores Hidalgo, Mexico

Son of the Tree of the Night of Sorrows

A sapling of the legendary tree where conquistador Hernán Cortés sat and wept after an Aztec uprising.
Durango, Mexico

Benigno Montoya Funerary Art

A historic cemetery doubles as a museum containing hundreds of unique tombs sculpted by a single artist.
Santiago, Mexico

Tropic of Cancer Monument

This spot along the 23.5 degree north parallel marks the northern boundary of the tropics.
Campeche, Mexico

Fort of San José el Alto

Half-hidden by grassy slopes, this striking Spanish colonial fort is now a museum of underwater archaeology.
Palenque, Mexico

Scarlet Macaws of Palenque

After becoming locally extinct, this esteemed avian now flies free in the forests around the ancient ruins.


These cliff-dwellings might be Mexico's least visited archaeological site.
Mexcaltitán de Uribe, Mexico

Mexicaltitán de Uribe

Legend says this tiny ancient island is the lost ancestral homeland of the Aztecs.
Mineral del Monte, Mexico

Panteón Inglés

The English graveyard of Mineral del Monte, a magical little piece of Cornwall in Mexico.
San Ignacio, Mexico

Las Labradas

This gorgeous stretch of coastline is home to beautiful views and centuries-old rock art.
Mexico City, Mexico

Hellenic Cultural Institute's Coffered Ceiling

This piece of a Renaissance-era Spanish castle remained lost for decades.
Xalapa, Mexico

Xalapa Museum of Anthropology

The largest collection of artifacts from the Olmec civilization, the mother culture of Mesoamerica.
Mexico City, Mexico

'Asia in Ivory'

The collection of intricate sculptures includes one carved from a mammoth's tusk
Ixmiquilpan, Mexico

Murals at the Church of San Miguel Archangel

Bright, rebellious indigenous murals dating back to the Spanish Conquest inexplicably cover the walls of this Catholic church.
Mexico City, Mexico

Temple of Santiago Tlatelolco's Stones

A close look at the church's walls reveals pieces of Mexico's history.
Ensenada, Mexico

La Bufadora

Legend says one of the world's largest marine geysers is actually a whale that got wedged within the rocks.
Malinalco, Mexico

Murals of the Parish of the Divine Savior

These colonial murals are a fascinating hybrid of Spanish and Indigenous aesthetics.
Puerto Morelos, Mexico

The Leaning Lighthouse

Still standing despite its considerable slant, this tilted lighthouse has become a local symbol of resilience.