annebelleo's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Goslar, Germany
Places added to Eindhoven, Netherlands
Places edited in Eindhoven, Netherlands
Places visited in Göttingen, Germany
Places visited in Lübeck, Germany
Places visited in Eindhoven, Netherlands
Places visited in Zaandam, Netherlands
Places edited in Cologne, Germany
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Amsterdam, Netherlands

REM Eiland

This pirate-broadcasting-tower-turned-restaurant played a rebellious role in the history of Dutch television.
Zaandam, Netherlands

Czar Peter House

The place where Czar Peter I of Russia resided in 1697 during his Grand Embassy.
Zaandam, Netherlands

Hotel Inntel Zaandam

Colorful and chaotic stacked hotel in North Holland.
Amsterdam, Netherlands


This 1920s Amsterdam neighborhood was built as a giant experiment in concrete construction.
Montreal, Québec

Paris Métro Sign at Victoria Square

The only example of a Paris Métro sign in use at a subway station outside of the French capital. 
Montreal, Québec

Oratoire St. Joseph

City law dictates that this mountaintop cathedral containing the heart of a saint is to remain the tallest building in town.
Duisburg, Germany

Zoo Zajac

The world's biggest pet store.
Goslar, Germany

Goslar Nail Head

This strange sculpture is an enigmatic icon of this medieval German town.
Goslar, Germany


This cheeky statue of a man defecating gold coins graces the facade of a medieval guildhall.
Goslar, Germany

Brusttuch House

A peculiar trapezoidal building covered with wonderful humorous reliefs.
Kassel, Germany

Bergpark Wilhelmshöhe

A sprawling Baroque park with 300-year-old hydro-pneumatic waterworks.
Göttingen, Germany

Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research Satellite Models

A staggering collection of satellite models and actual flight parts.
Göttingen, Germany

Wiechert Earthquake Station

Home to the world’s oldest seismograph and a four-ton steel ball that makes its own earthquakes.
Kassel, Germany

GRIMMWELT Kassel (Grimm World Kassel)

A modern museum dedicated to the fairytales and dictionary work of the Brothers Grimm.
Göttingen, Germany

Grave of Carl Friedrich Gauss

The man who gave his name to magnetic measurement is buried in the city where he did his best work.
Göttingen, Germany

Gauss-Weber Telegraph Memorial

It commemorates one of the world's earliest telegraphs.
Göttingen, Germany


The Goose Girl of Göttingen, Germany might well be the most kissed girl in the world.
Göttingen, Germany

Göttingen Royal University Observatory

Renowned mathematician and physicist Carl Friedrich Gauss once worked at this observatory.
Göttingen, Germany

Heinz Erhardt Stele

A comedic homage to a beloved German actor.
Göttingen, Germany

Planetenweg Göttingen

A 1:2 billion-scale solar system leads visitors into this German university town.
Duisburg, Germany

Tiger & Turtle Magic Mountain

No need to strap in for a "ride" on this walkable roller coaster.

Vennbahn Cycleway

Walk or bike along a narrow strip of Belgium sandwiched by German territory.
Beveren, Belgium

The Doomed City of Doel

This ghost town in Belgium will lose its street art when it ceases to exist.
Boom, Belgium

Trolls of De Schorre Park

Take a leisurely walk through the park to find the seven giant troll sculptures hidden throughout the park.