autumnsjunk's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Kunming, China

Shilin Stone Forest

270 million year-old forest of stone.
Zhangjiajie, China

Tianmen Skywalk

For those with no fear of heights: a skywalk 4,700 feet up on a Chinese mountain.
Aba, China

Huanglong Travertine Pools

Intensely colorful calcite pools in Southern China.
Panjin Shi, China

Red Beach

A part of the world's largest marsh seems to be growing bright red Martian grass.
Datong, China

Hanging Temple of Hengshan

A fifth-century temple improbably built into the side of a cliff.
Shanghai, China

Shanghai Natural History Museum

This ratty natural history collection is a charming relic among a city rushing into modernity.
Shanghai, China

M50 Art District

This former textile district now is now a thriving center for contemporary Chinese art.
Shanghai, China

Shanghai Circus World

China's most famous acrobatics act.
Shanghai, China

Bund Sightseeing Tunnel

This psychedelic tourist trap is a leisurely descent into madness.
Beijing, China

China's Wonderland

Beijing's version of Disneyland, completely abandoned, mostly destroyed.
Beijing, China

Dixia Cheng - Beijing's Underground City

Beijing's expansive subterranean hiding spot now crumbles away as a tourist destination.
Beijing, China

Guo Li Zhuang

Genitals, claws, and faces are served at this questionable Beijing eatery.
Beijing, China

Great Wall of China Slide

Why walk on this historical site when you can zoom down instead?
Beijing, China

Bai Gong Fang (100 Handicraftsmen Workshop)

A studio devoted to keeping hundreds of unique Chinese arts alive.
Beijing, China

Dongyue Temple

This sensational Chinese temple walks visitors through the 76 weird departments of the afterlife.
Beijing, China

Destination Club

A progressive LGBTQ hub offers dancing, HIV testing, art, and more.
Beijing, China

Beijing Ancient Observatory

This ancient Chinese observatory still contains early astronomy technology.
Beijing, China

798 Art District

This probably wasn't what Mao had in mind.
Beijing, China

Dragon Escalator

The world's longest outdoor escalator takes visitors to the top of China's largest dam and is also shaped like a dragon.
Beijing, China

The Forbidden City

The most famous location in China was home to whole dynasties worth of imperial rulers.
South Bay, Florida


One of many gator theme parks, abandoned in the sugar fields of South Florida.
Miami, Florida

Miami Circle

A perfect circle of 24 mysterious holes dates back to prehistoric times.
Santa Fe, New Mexico

House of Eternal Return

An immersive environment that is part haunted house, part choose-your-own-adventure, and part jungle gym.
Paris, France

Centre Pompidou

An "inside out" building in the historical center of Paris, featuring Europe’s largest modern art museum.