badgersofdoom's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Tehachapi, California
Places added to Spokane, Washington
Places visited in Green Valley, Arizona
Places visited in Spokane, Washington
Places added to San Jose, California
Places visited in Fairplay, Colorado
Places added to Tucson, Arizona
Places edited in Spokane, Washington
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San Francisco, California

Tenderloin National Forest

A speck of nature and art in one of San Francisco’s most notorious neighborhoods.
San Francisco, California

The Tenderloin Museum

A walk down memory lane in the heart of one of San Francisco's most notorious neighborhoods.
San Jose, California

The San José Semaphore

It took years to decode its mysterious messages.
San Francisco, California

Presidio Pet Cemetery

A monument to the love people have for their pets.
San Francisco, California

Chamber of Secrets Door

This residential door allows San Francisco muggles a glimpse at the wizarding world.
San Francisco, California

Hoppers Hands

At the base of the Golden Gate Bridge, a small sign basically begs for a high-five.
San Francisco, California

Encryption Lava Lamps

The randomness of this wall of lava lamps helps encrypt up to 10 percent of the internet.
San Francisco, California

1852 South Beach Shoreline

The original place where water met land in the City by the Bay is outlined in brass.
San Francisco, California

'Gods and Goddesses of Baseball'

A modern frieze of ancient Grecian mythological figures playing a national pastime.
San Francisco, California

1908 Cistern Circles

These subterranean storage areas hold emergency water reserves.
San Francisco, California

Dutch Windmill

The key to turning shifting dunes into the green oasis of Golden Gate Park.
San Francisco, California

Lotta's Fountain

San Francisco's oldest surviving monument and meeting place for 1906 survivors.
San Francisco, California

'Wood Line'

Get lost in this haunting fairytale art walk through a man-made eucalyptus grove.
Tucson, Arizona

Mission San Xavier Del Bac

This church on a Tohono O'Odham reservation has stood since 1797.
Wallace, Idaho

North Idaho Trading Company

This oddity shop contains everything from antique tools to a human skeleton.
London, England

William Blake Mosaics

This open-air mosaic gallery honoring an English artist took hundreds of volunteers more than seven years to create.
San Francisco, California

Yoda Fountain

There is no trying to fall in love with this Star Wars fountain, you just do or do not.

Fish Rocks

This unique graffiti art from the 1940s has become a staple of this local landscape in the remote California desert.
Trona, California

Trona Pinnacles

One of the most unusual geological features, recognizable from a dozen hit movies.
San Bernardino County, California

Searles Lake

This sun-scorched lakebed contains samples of half the natural elements known to humankind.
Tehachapi, California

Tehachapi Loop

Where a railroad loops under or over itself to rise or drop more than 70 feet in a short distance.
Tehachapi, California

Tehachapi Wind Farm

Thousands of turbines whir at at the origin of North American wind power.
Oakland, California

Watermelon Rock

A unique piece of graffiti offers a little slice of local history and mystery.
Inyo County, California

Ballarat Ghost Town

This old mining town, deep in the California desert, has a year-round population of one.